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Accountability Mechanism

The Accountability Mechanism of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) exists to provide an independent and effective forum for those affected by ADB-assisted projects to voice their concerns.

In the Spotlight

ADB Accountability Mechanism Annual Report 2021

Institutional Document

ADB Accountability Mechanism Annual Report 2021

This annual report presents the achievements and accomplishments of the Office of the Special Project Facilitator and the Office of the Compliance Review Panel for ADB’s Accountability Mechanism in 2021.

Office of the Special Project Facilitator’s Lessons Learned


Office of the Special Project Facilitator’s Lessons Learned

The series aims to support ADB operations departments, government and private sector partners, and other stakeholders by documenting grievance redress management experiences and identifying important lessons and good practices on problem-solving that are useful for future projects.

 Ulaanbaatar Urban Services and Ger Areas Development Investment Program, Tranche 1


Office of the Special Project Facilitator’s Lessons Learned: Ulaanbaatar Urban Services and Ger Areas Development Investment Program, Tranche 1

This publication focuses on an investment program in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, as one of the Office of the Special Project Facilitator’s (OSPF) Lessons Learned series of case studies on ADB’s complaint management experience.

 Sustainable Urban Transport Investment Program, Tranche 3 in Georgia


Office of the Special Project Facilitator’s Lessons Learned: Sustainable Urban Transport Investment Program, Tranche 3 in Georgia

This publication focuses on the Tbilisi-Rustavi highway modernization project in Georgia as one of the Office of the Special Project Facilitator's Lessons Learned series of case studies on ADB’s complaint management experience.

ADB's Accountability Mechanism

Provides a forum where people adversely affected by ADB-assisted projects can voice and seek solutions to their problems and report alleged noncompliance with ADB's operational policies and procedures. It consists of two separate but complementary functions: problem-solving function and compliance review function.

Information on how project-affected people can file a complaint and what types of complaints are not handled by the Accountability Mechanism.

You have sent your complaint to the Complaint Receiving Officer. What happens next? Follow the steps in the process of filing a complaint.

Aims to actively respond to the concerns of people affected by ADB-assisted projects through fair, transparent, and consensus-based problem-solving.

Focuses on the direct and material harm alleged by project-affected people, and if caused by ADB’s violations of its operational policies and procedures in formulating, processing, or implementing the project.

ADB’s Accountability Mechanism at 25

ADB’s Accountability Mechanism at 25

To celebrate 25 years of the Accountability Mechanism, we are sharing stories of people who were impacted by ADB-funded projects, told through their eyes. Names and certain details have been changed to safeguard confidentiality. We dedicate these stories to those with an untold story, and those who continue to suffer the injuries of silence, disappointment, poverty, and discrimination.


Complaint Receiving Officer Accountability Mechanism Asian Development Bank 6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City 1550 Metro Manila, Philippines
  Tel +632 8632 4444 ext 70309
  Fax +632 8636 2086

The Complaint Receiving Officer is the single point of entry for complaints. The Complaint Receiving Officer serves as the first contact for project-affected people when they want to access the Accountability Mechanism. However, as the Accountability Mechanism is the last resort mechanism, complainants are encouraged to make good faith efforts to solve problems with the ADB operations department before filing a complaint with the Accountability Mechanism.