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Kiribati and ADB

ADB’s support to Kiribati focuses on promoting economic opportunities by strengthening fiscal sustainability, improving the business climate, and upgrading infrastructure.

In the Spotlight

Kiribati Facts

ADB's Work in Kiribati

Kiribati consists of 33 islands spread over 3.5 million square kilometers of ocean. Economic growth slowed from 2.4% in 2019 to 0.6% in 2020 as large infrastructure projects were delayed due to travel restrictions related to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.

ADB has been supporting Kiribati to build fiscal stability and upgrade infrastructure since 1974. Its engagement with Kiribati will continue to focus on transformative infrastructure investments — including sanitation, water supply, transport, renewable energy, and health infrastructure—and policy reforms through technical assistance initiatives.

Data: Kiribati

Forecasts are based on ADB's flagship publication, the Asian Development Outlook. Updated four times a year, it analyzes economic and development issues in developing countries in Asia and the Pacific.

Development indicators for Kiribati, including a selection of economic, environmental, and social indicators used globally to track progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals.

Results achieved are aggregate amounts of outputs and outcomes from operations reported in project completion reports and extended annual review reports circulated for the year.

Cofinancing operations enable ADB’s financing partners, governments or their agencies, multilateral financing institutions, and commercial organizations to participate in financing ADB projects.

Contact: Pacific Subregional Office (SPSO)

91 Gordon Street, Suva, Fiji

  Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Monday to Friday)

  Tel +679 3318101
  Fax +679 3318074

Kiribati Pacific Country Office
Unit 303 and 304, TK Plaza
Tarawa, Kiribati
  Tel: +686 22040/22041

Teatao TIRA (Mr)
Country Team Leader
  Tel +686 75055045/75022042

The Kiribati Pacific Country Office is closed on these dates:

Last updated: 4 January 2023