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Uzbekistan and ADB

ADB’s country partnership strategy 2019–2023 for Uzbekistan supports reforms that help the country transition toward an inclusive and market-driven economy.

In the Spotlight

Uzbekistan Facts

ADB's Work in Uzbekistan

ADB is one of Uzbekistan’s largest development partners. ADB’s country partnership strategy for Uzbekistan 2019–2023 is aligned with the country’s national development strategy and its priority areas.

The government aims to reduce the state’s footprint through a robust private sector. ADB assists in this transition by providing policy advice, capacity building, and projects that support private sector development, reduce economic and social disparities, and promote regional cooperation and integration.

Data: Uzbekistan

Forecasts are based on ADB's flagship publication, the Asian Development Outlook. Updated four times a year, it analyzes economic and development issues in developing countries in Asia and the Pacific.

Development indicators for Uzbekistan, including a selection of economic, environmental, and social indicators used globally to track progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals.

Results achieved are aggregate amounts of outputs and outcomes from operations reported in project completion reports and extended annual review reports circulated for the year.

Cofinancing operations enable ADB’s financing partners, governments or their agencies, multilateral financing institutions, and commercial organizations to participate in financing ADB projects.

ADB Projects in Uzbekistan   View all projects


  • Change of Pace in the Heart of Asia

    Uzbekistan, with its over 33 million inhabitants, plays a key role in the economic development of Central Asia. Over the past few decades, the double-landlocked country has undergone a remarkable transition from a former Soviet state to a market-based economy. A new administration in 2016 initiated systemic reforms to further improve lives and foster an enabling environment for businesses that would create quality jobs.

Contact: Uzbekistan Resident Mission (URM)

1 Qoratosh Street, Tashkent 100027, Uzbekistan

  Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Monday to Friday)

  Tel +998 78 1401920
  Fax +998 78 1401976

Enrico PINALI (Mr)
Officer in Charge (OIC)
Principal Operations Specialist/Deputy Country Director
Hiroki KATAYAMA (Mr)
Senior Portfolio Management Specialist/PAU Head

The Uzbekistan Resident Mission (URM), located in Tashkent, was formally opened in 1998. URM's primary responsibilities include:

  • Country strategy and programming
  • Policy dialogue and support
  • Portfolio management and administration of delegated projects
  • Aid coordination
  • Economic and sector work and other analytical work
  • Government, civil society, and private sector relations
  • Country reporting
  • External relations and information dissemination

URM applies the advantage of its in-country presence to assist missions from headquarters in periodic country portfolio and program review activities and to provide mission follow-up support. It can assist interested parties by providing information on ADB and its activities in general and in Uzbekistan. URM's resources are of interest particularly to stakeholders in ADB-supported projects in Uzbekistan.

URM will be closed on these dates:

* = The dates are subject to moonsighting.

Last updated: 13 January 2023