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Finance Sector

ADB supports developing a well-regulated, stable and competitive financial sector across Asia and the Pacific that can effectively mobilize finance for sustainable development, strengthen resilience, and expand financial inclusion to help to end poverty, fight inequality, and tackle climate change.

  • Financing developing Asia’s infrastructure needs as economies expand and climate change impacts, remains a huge challenge and must include the private and public sectors.

    Financing developing Asia’s infrastructure needs as economies expand and climate change impacts, remains a huge challenge and must include the private and public sectors.

  • The financial sector, including banking, insurance, and capital markets is a key driver of economic growth.

    The financial sector, including banking, insurance, and capital markets is a key driver of economic growth.

  • Infrastructure and business financing play a vital role in the shift to sustainable economies across Asia and the Pacific.

    Infrastructure and business financing play a vital role in the shift to sustainable economies across Asia and the Pacific.

  • Developing Asia infrastructure investment needs,

    Developing Asia needs investment of $1.7 trillion per year in infrastructure to maintain its growth momentum, tackle poverty, and respond to climate change.

  • Global Trade Finance

    The global trade finance gap grew to $1.7 trillion in 2020, hampering progress towards many of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

  • Adults with a Bank, Financial Institution, or
    Mobile-Money Service Provider Account, 2017

    About 2.7 billion people worldwide, or 70% of adults in developing countries, have no access to formal financial services, such as bank accounts or loan facilities.

Finance Sector

Finance Sector operations support ADB’s new climate agenda across banking, insurance, and capital markets, intending to foster financial product innovations that will support initiatives for investing in quality infrastructure, financial digitalization and increasing inclusion of MSMEs and women. Besides enabling private sector-led growth, it will also offer environmental and social benefits.

ADB's Trade and Supply Chain Finance Program fills market gaps for trade finance by providing guarantees and loans to banks to support trade. ADB is mainstreaming inclusive financing and has been actively promoting innovation and best practice in microfinancing to include savings, payments, remittances, insurance, and pensions. The bank also supports the development of Islamic Finance across the region.

Our Impact

Results delivered in 2021 from ADB projects.


Women-owned or -led
SMEs supported


Business development and
financial sector measures supported


Models for business development and
financing established or improved