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Gender Equality and Development

ADB is working across Asia and the Pacific to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment, reduce poverty, and contribute to green, equitable, and inclusive development.

  • COVID-19 and the climate change crisis are unevenly affecting women and deepening gender inequality, highlighting the need to strengthen women's resilience to future shocks.

    COVID-19 and the climate change crisis are unevenly affecting women and deepening gender inequality, highlighting the need to strengthen women's resilience to future shocks.

  • ADB has pledged that 75% of its operations promote gender equality and for 75% of operations to support climate change adaptation and mitigation by 2030.

    ADB has pledged that 75% of its operations promote gender equality and for 75% of operations to support climate change adaptation and mitigation by 2030.

  • Increasing women's participation in society and in their communities is a critical step towards achieving sustainable economic growth and social development

    Increasing women's participation in society and in their communities is a critical step towards achieving sustainable economic growth and social development.

  • Female adult literacy rate

    While there have been significant advances in accelerating gender equality, gaps persist in education completion.

  • Labor force participation by sex, 2022

    Women can face discrimination in hiring and compensation, and face additional barriers entering into certain sectors which are male dominated.

  • Asset ownership by sex

    Progress to women’s full participation in society is still hampered by discrimination and, gender norms. Women are less likely to be owners of assets than men. 

Accelerating progress on gender equality is an operational priority for ADB in its Strategy 2030. ADB is committed to supporting gender equality through gender inclusive projects in at least 75% of its sovereign and non-sovereign operations by 2030. The bank promotes gender equality and women’s empowerment by mainstreaming these goals across the full range of its operations.

ADB regularly conducts gender analysis based on key indicators in its Developing Member Countries (DMCs) to help ensure all ADB projects fully address gender issues and contribute to reducing gender inequality in their design and implementation. ADB also works with DMCs to ensure that gender equality is prominent in policies and responses to climate change and COVID-19, from which women suffer disproportionately.

Our Impact

Results delivered in 2021 from ADB projects.

0 million

Women and girls with
increased time savings

0 million

Women and girls completing secondary
and tertiary education or training


Women participating in

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