Prabhjot Khan works in ADB's Gender Equality Thematic Group and provides support for the implementation, monitoring and reporting of the ADB’s Policy on Gender and Development and ADB Strategy 2030’s Operational Plan for Priority 2, Accelerating Progress on Gender Equality, 2019-2024.
For the past seventeen years she has been working in the field of gender and development, gender mainstreaming, social development and intersectionality of gender with other vulnerabilities. She worked extensively on mainstreaming gender into programs and projects in infrastructure sectors such as urban, transport, energy as well as social sectors such as skills development, education, health, agriculture and natural resources management. Prabhjot joined ADB in 2012 as the gender focal person for the India Resident Mission. Before ADB, she worked with UN Agencies as well as with national and international NGOs and supported programs on advancement of women. She holds a Ph.D. in Social Science from Nagpur University, India (2003).