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Papua New Guinea and ADB

ADB’s strategy for Papua New Guinea seeks to improve infrastructure and the private sector environment, governance, financial management, service delivery, promote inclusivity, and build resilience.

In the Spotlight

Papua New Guinea Facts

ADB's Work in Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a lower-middle income country, classified by ADB as a fragile and conflict-affected situation and a small island developing state. The economy is dominated by the capital-intensive mineral and petroleum extractives sector and the labor-intensive agricultural sector. The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has significantly affected PNG’s economy, which had contracted by 3.3% in 2020, followed by a weak recovery to 1.3% growth in 2021.

ADB is one of the country’s largest sources of official development assistance, with average annual lending of $382 million over the 5 years to 2021. ADB’s support is aligned with the Government of PNG’s development plans, including the Medium-Term Development Plan 2018–2022, Development Strategic Plan 2030, and Vision 2050.

Data: Papua New Guinea

Forecasts are based on ADB's flagship publication, the Asian Development Outlook. Updated four times a year, it analyzes economic and development issues in developing countries in Asia and the Pacific.

Development indicators for Papua New Guinea, including a selection of economic, environmental, and social indicators used globally to track progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals.

Results achieved are aggregate amounts of outputs and outcomes from operations reported in project completion reports and extended annual review reports circulated for the year.

Cofinancing operations enable ADB’s financing partners, governments or their agencies, multilateral financing institutions, and commercial organizations to participate in financing ADB projects.

A Growing Partnership

Papua New Guinea and ADB have been partners in development since 1971, and the collaboration is growing bigger. A new video series is exploring ADB's contributions to development of the country's energy, health, and transport sectors, as well as its drive for financial inclusion and private sector-led development.

Expanding Access to Health Care in Papua New Guinea

Access to quality health care is a major challenge in Papua New Guinea. The government works with its development partners, like ADB, to make health care more accessible.

New Energy Grid, Transmission Investments are Lighting up Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea's energy investment program is expanding access to electricity and lowering costs.


Contact: Papua New Guinea Resident Mission (PNRM)

Level 2 – Burns Philp Haus
Corner of Musgrave Street & Champion Parade
PO Box 1992
Port Moresby, National Capital District
Papua New Guinea

  Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Monday to Friday)

  Tel +657 3221700
  Fax +675 3210407

David HILL (Mr)
Country Director
Edward FABER (Mr)
Country Economist
External Relations Focal Point
Ganiga GANIGA (Mr)
Senior Project Officer, Infrastructure
Maria Theresa VILLAREAL (Ms)
Unit Head, Project Administration

The Papua New Guinea (PNG) Resident Mission was opened in 2003 and provides the primary operational link for activities between ADB and the government, the private sector, civil society stakeholders, and development partners. The resident mission engages in policy dialogue, country partnership strategy development and programming, and portfolio management, while also acting as a knowledge base on development issues in Papua New Guinea.

PNRM will be closed on these dates:

Last updated: 12 December 2022