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Development Effectiveness and Results

ADB focuses on results management in its operations, improving the capacities of its developing member countries, and contributing to the global agenda on aid effectiveness.

In the Spotlight

2021 Development Effectiveness Review

Institutional Document

2021 Development Effectiveness Review

This report outlines ADB's performance during 2021 in achieving the priorities of the bank’s Strategy 2030. The assessment is based on the 60 indicators of ADB’s corporate results framework, 2019–2024.

ADB Stays Aligned to its Strategy 2030 Vision Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

News Release

ADB Stays Aligned to its Strategy 2030 Vision Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

ADB responded effectively to its clients’ urgent needs amid the COVID-19 pandemic and should accelerate efforts to achieve the vision of its Strategy 2030 to support recovery and the Sustainable Development Goals, says a report.

 Grants for a Brighter Future


Together We Deliver: Grants for a Brighter Future

This edition focuses on how Asian Development Fund (ADF) grants are uplifting the lives of millions of the most vulnerable people in Asia and the Pacific.

Guidelines for Preparing a Design and Monitoring Framework


Guidelines for Preparing a Design and Monitoring Framework

These guidelines describe how a project-level design and monitoring framework should be developed and used throughout the project cycle for Asian Development Bank (ADB) sovereign operations and technical assistance projects.

Results Reality

Results Reality

Projects supported by ADB are making a positive impact on people's lives. Explore the results of our programs, gain insight into our partnerships, and learn more about how our projects are improving people's lives and well-being.

To help realize its vision of an Asia and the Pacific free of poverty, ADB is pursuing a deliberate, structured program of managing for development results.

The ADB Results Framework assesses overall development progress in Asia and the Pacific and ADB’s effectiveness in delivering development results. It has been periodically revised to ensure its continued relevance, efficiency, and effectiveness as a performance management tool.

This publication discusses the priorities and principles put forward by the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation, and highlights how ADB has been implementing them.

Key Resources

Development Effectiveness Review

Annual reports by ADB Management assessing ADB's progress in implementing its long-term strategic framework, Strategy 2020.

Development Effectiveness Country Briefs

Presents how ADB's operations help improve people's lives in developing member countries and the challenges ADB and the countries face in pursuing agreed development goals.

ADB Corporate Results Framework, 2019–2024: Policy Paper

Proposals for the ADB corporate results framework (CRF) for 2019–2024 that is aligned with Strategy 2030.

Impact Evaluation of Development Interventions: A Practical Guide

Guidance on the principles, methods, and practice of impact evaluation, for those who may use or manage impact evaluations to applied researchers.

Planning and Results Management: Contacts

We encourage you to share experiences from your country—whether at the national, provincial, or local level and from any sector—relevant to the development effectiveness agenda and the implementation of the Paris Declaration, Accra Agenda for Action, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Strategy, Policy, and Business Process Division

Coordinates ADB's partnerships with other multilateral development banks, international organizations, and bilateral agencies at the institutional level.

Masayuki Tachiiri
Masayuki Tachiiri

Director, Strategy, Policy, and Business Process Division

Results Management and Aid Effectiveness Division

Coordinates implementation of the managing for development results agenda, and serves as the focal point for ADB’s response to the SDGs and efforts to strengthen development effectiveness.

Lu Shen
Lu Shen

Director, Results Management and Aid Effectiveness Division