Development Effectiveness Review (DEfR)
The Development Effectiveness Review, an annual report by ADB Management, assesses ADB's progress in implementing its long-term strategic framework, Strategy 2030. The review covers all operations financed by ADB's ordinary capital resources and the Asian Development Fund, ADB's concessional lending window. It presents emerging trends and identifies actions for improving corporate performance.
2021 Development Effectiveness Review
This report outlines ADB's performance during 2021 in achieving the priorities of the bank’s Strategy 2030. The assessment is based on the 60 indicators of ADB’s corporate results framework, 2019–2024.
2020 Development Effectiveness Review
This publication outlines ADB's performance according to the seven operational priorities and objectives of Strategy 2030, the institution's long-term strategic framework.
2019 Development Effectiveness Review
The Development Effectiveness Review 2019 reports on ADB's progress in achieving the priorities of its corporate strategy using the indicators in the corporate results framework, 2019–2024 as the yardstick.
Together We Deliver: Grants for a Brighter Future
This edition focuses on how Asian Development Fund (ADF) grants are uplifting the lives of millions of the most vulnerable people in Asia and the Pacific.
2018 Development Effectiveness Review
This publication examines the performance of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in achieving the goals of Strategy 2020, one of the institution’s long-term planning documents.
Together We Deliver: Results Achieved, Lives Improved
This publication showcases stories of successful partnerships between ADB and its member countries in Asia and the Pacific.
2017 Development Effectiveness Review
The Development Effectiveness Review is ADB’s primary tool for monitoring and strengthening its progress on the priorities of Strategy 2020 and its midterm review.
Амжилтын төлөө хамтдаа 2015: Ядуурлын эсрэг түншлэл
Бат бөх түншлэл, хамтын ажиллагааны ачаар талуудын уялдаа холбоо сайжирч, нарийн мэдлэг ур чадвар нөхөгдөж, илүү их санхүүжилт төвлөрүүлж чадсанаар эцсийн үр дүн ч нэмэгддэг.
Together We Deliver: 50 Stories of ADB's Partnerships in Asia and the Pacific
This special edition of Together We Deliver tells 50 stories that highlight the importance of good partnerships in Asia and the Pacific in meeting the complex development challenges of our dynamic region.
2016 Development Effectiveness Review
The Development Effectiveness Review (DEfR) takes stock of the performances by ADB and the Asia and Pacific for selected periods spanning 2010–2016.