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Myanmar and ADB

ADB has temporarily put on hold sovereign project disbursements and new contracts in Myanmar effective 1 February 2021. ADB is closely monitoring the situation in Myanmar and remains committed to supporting its people.

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  • Asian Development Bank and Myanmar: Fact Sheet

    Brochures and Flyers

    Asian Development Bank and Myanmar: Fact Sheet

    ADB remains deeply concerned about recent developments in Myanmar and will continue to consult with shareholders and other stakeholders on any operations in the country.

Myanmar Facts

ADB's Work in Myanmar

Myanmar became an ADB member in 1973. ADB supported the country’s national strategies and priority programs in collaboration with other development partners to establish a stronger foundation for sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction. ADB reengaged with the country in early 2012. Since the reengagement, ADB had provided multiple assistance packages mainly to support improvements in agriculture, human capital, and rural development; energy; and transport.

ADB had committed 120 public sector loans, grants, and technical assistance totaling $3.7 billion to Myanmar. Cumulative loan and grant disbursements to Myanmar amount to $2.18 billion. These were financed by regular and concessional ordinary capital resources, the Asian Development Fund, and other special funds. ADB’s ongoing sovereign portfolio in Myanmar includes 18 loans and 2 grants worth $2.44 billion.

Data: Myanmar

Forecasts are based on ADB's flagship publication, the Asian Development Outlook. Updated four times a year, it analyzes economic and development issues in developing countries in Asia and the Pacific.

Development indicators for Myanmar, including a selection of economic, environmental, and social indicators used globally to track progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals.

Results achieved are aggregate amounts of outputs and outcomes from operations reported in project completion reports and extended annual review reports circulated for the year.

Cofinancing operations enable ADB’s financing partners, governments or their agencies, multilateral financing institutions, and commercial organizations to participate in financing ADB projects.

Contact: Myanmar Resident Mission (MYRM)

Nay Pyi Taw Office, PARKROYAL Hotel, Gangaw Villa, 13/14 Hotel Zone Dekhina Thiri Township, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar

  Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Monday to Friday)

  Tel +95 067 8106280-86
  Fax +95 067 8106287

Newin SINSIRI (Mr)
Country Director
Principal Country Specialist
Christopher A. SPOHR (Mr)
Principal Portfolio Management Specialist

Yangon Office, Union Business Centre (UBC), Room : 04-05, 4th Floor, Natmauk Road Bo Cho Quarter, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar

  Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Monday to Friday)

  Tel +95 01 8603433-34 ext 5024
  Fax +95 01 8603439

ADB started reengagement in Myanmar in early 2012 and formally established its Myanmar Resident Mission (MYRM) in April 2014, with offices in Nay Pyi Taw and Yangon. MYRM provides the primary interface for ADB operations between ADB and government, the private sector, civil society stakeholders, and other development partners. MYRM engages in policy dialogue, country strategy development and programming, portfolio management, and knowledge management.

ADB in Myanmar aims to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth with focus on infrastructure (transport, energy, and urban development); education and training; and agriculture and rural development. ADB also focuses on capacity development and governance, private sector development, environment, climate change and disaster risk management, and regional integration, gender equity, context sensitivity, and knowledge solutions.

The Myanmar government agency handling ADB affairs is the Ministry of Planning and Finance.

The Myanmar Resident Mission will be closed on these dates:

Last updated: 22 December 2022