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Accountability Mechanism

The Accountability Mechanism of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) exists to provide an independent and effective forum for those affected by ADB-assisted projects to voice their concerns.

Problem-Solving Function: Fast Facts

The Problem-Solving Function is managed by ADB's Office of the Special Project Facilitator (OSPF). Figures are as of 20 December 2022.

Issues of Complaints, 2004-2022

Subject of Complaints Problem-Solving Share (%)
Resettlement, compensation, and land acquisition 97 37.0
Information, consultation, and participation 60 22.9
Environment¹ 37 14.1
Community and social issues² 23 8.8
Village infrastructure3 20 7.6
Others4 15 5.7
Livelihood 10 3.8
TOTAL 262 100

1This includes those with issues pertaining to biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of natural resources, pollution prevention and abatement, occupational and community health and safety, and conservation of physical cultural resources.
2This includes issues on gender, health, social uplift program, environmental studies, social impact assessment, grievance redress, customary land, and indigenous people.
3This includes school and road reconstruction and rehabilitation, bus stops, multipurpose hall, toilets and cowsheds, bridges, beaten tracks, underpass for agricultural machinery, cattle pass, and distributary links.
4This includes issues on high electricity rates, grid network fee, power sector reform, procurement, loans and contract matters, project monitoring, land valuation etc.

Complaints Received by OSPF, by Year (as of 20 December 2022)

Year Eligible Ineligible1 Total
2022 3 16 19
2021 0 17 17
2020 4 7 11
2019 4 8 12
2018 4 7 11
2017 2 10 12
2016 1 5 6
2015 0 1 1
2014 2 1 3
2013 0 6 6
2012 0 2 2
2011 3 4 7
2010 2 5 7
2009 4 9 13
2008 0 0 0
2007 1 1 2
2006 1 5 6
2005 1 0 1
2004 2 1 3
Total 34 105 139

1This includes two withdrawn complaints.

  • Eligible and Ineligible Complaints Received by OSPF, 2004-2022

  • Distribution of Complaints by ADB Operations Departments, 2004-2022

  • Sectoral Distribution of Complaints,