Common Threads: Lessons from Compliance Reviews—Strengthening the Fabric of Development Effectiveness
Publication | December 2022
This report gathers common threads from eight compliance reviews conducted by the Compliance Review Panel of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). It highlights lessons to support increased development effectiveness.
The commonalities point to the importance of project baseline data; meaningful stakeholder engagement; attention to vulnerable and disadvantaged people; understanding of ADB policies; prompt and regular assessments and monitoring; and timely and comprehensive remedial action plans. Attention to these issues can improve project design and reduce grievances, strengthening development effectiveness.
- A Brief Background
- FIRST COMMON THREAD: Importance of Comprehensive Baseline Data to Project Planning, Implementation, Monitoring, and Remediation
- SECOND COMMON THREAD: Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement is Essential
- THIRD COMMON THREAD: Particular Attention to Vulnerable Groups will Help Advance Inclusive Development
- FOURTH COMMON THREAD: Importance of Understanding ADB Policies by Stakeholders
- FIFTH COMMON THREAD: Importance of Understanding the ADB Accountability Mechanism Policy
- SIXTH COMMON THREAD: The Value of Prompt and Regular Assessment and Monitoring of Project Implementation
- SEVENTH COMMON THREAD: Importance of a Timely and Comprehensive Remedial Action Plan
- Strengthening the Fabric of Development Effectiveness
- Appendixes
Additional Details
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