The Problem-Solving Function
The problem-solving function, led by ADB’s Special Project Facilitator (SPF), assists people who are directly, materially, and adversely affected by ADB-assisted projects to find solutions to their problems. The harm can be actual present harm, or expected harm in the future. Examples of harm would be displacement, loss of livelihoods, loss of indigenous peoples culture and traditions, loss of territorial and developmental rights, and harm to the environment and natural resources.
The problem-solving function starts with consideration of the eligibility of the complaint. If accepted, the focus will be on seeking agreement among all the parties involved such as the complainant, project implementer, developing member country government or private sector sponsor, and ADB. The SPF will, however, not interfere in the internal matters of a developing member country.
The general approaches in the problem-solving function include (i) consultative dialogue, (ii) information sharing, (iii) joint fact-finding, and (iv) mediation. The SPF may also suggest various specific approaches to resolve problems, such as convening meetings, organizing and facilitating problem-solving processes, or engaging in a fact-finding review of the situation.
The problem-solving function is outcome driven. It will not focus on the identification and allocation of blame, but on finding ways to address the problems of the project-affected people.
The SPF offers an additional avenue for problem-solving, but does not supplant the project administration and problem-solving functions of ADB’s operations departments. He/she reports directly to the ADB President and recommends actions to deal with complaints. He/she will also monitor implementation of agreements resulting from the problem-solving process.