Project Identification/Preparation
ADB often provides grants called project/program preparatory technical assistance (PPTA) to help the government identify and prepare feasible projects.
ADB posts on the web a brief factual summary of the project. Search ADB's project database for a summary of the project and to see all documents related to a project in one view.
During the early stage of the PPTA, a flagging exercise—called an initial poverty and social analysis—is conducted to identify those people who may be beneficially or adversely affected.
A technical assistance report is prepared as a recommendation for ADB to finance a technical assistance project.
ADB usually hires consultants to work with government counterpart staff to undertake the project's feasibility study. The consultants work closely with the various stakeholders including the government, civil society, affected people, and other development agencies working in those sectors. ADB closely monitors the consultants' work. The draft final report is reviewed at a tripartite meeting attended by representatives of the government, ADB, and the consultants. During this process, ADB with the government agrees on an executing agency for the project or program.
If the project requires resettlement of people or might adversely impact the environment, or indigenous peoples, certain safeguard assessments are prepared during this stage. The results of these assessments are disclosed and made available to affected people and other interested stakeholders in their draft forms (using appropriate form and language understandable to them) prior to or during consultations, and again after the documents are finalized.
Due Diligence
During project examination, ADB examines project feasibility.
The fact-finding mission—in consultation with the government and other stakeholders—examines the project's technical, financial, economic, environmental, marketing, and management aspects and potential social impact.
Detailed project risks and sensitivity analyses are carried out to assess viability of the proposed project. Loan terms and conditions for loan effectiveness are discussed to improve sector performance and address key policy issues.
One of the tools ADB staff use for project design is the design and monitoring framework. This is included in the Report and Recommendation of the President.