Access to Information Policy

Institutional Document | September 2018

The new policy focuses on guiding principles and exceptions to disclosure.

ADB’s Access to Information Policy (AIP), which went into effect on 1 January 2019, reflects ADB’s ongoing commitment to transparency, accountability, and participation by stakeholders.

The policy, led by a new overarching principle of clear, timely, and appropriate disclosure, contains principles and exceptions to information sharing with external stakeholders. Details of policy implementation and disclosure requirements are provided in ADB’s Operations Manual (OM L3).

ADB’s website is the primary medium for disclosure. Where necessary, more appropriate means of information dissemination will be used that considers such things as literacy level, geography, infrastructure, and popular mass media for reaching project-affected people.

ADB will monitor and report on policy implementation through an annual report to be posted on ADB’s website.


  • Policy Introduction
  • Policy Principles and Exceptions
  • Information Requests and Appeals
  • Policy Monitoring and Amendments
  • Policy Effective Date

Additional Details

  • ADB administration and governance
  • 20
  • 6 x 9
  • TCS189627

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