Browse all magazines and journals exploring development issues
Asian Development Review: Volume 38, Number 2
This issue discusses new data in ADB’s COVID-19 Policy Database on sector financial balances, and other development topics including labor markets, gender, global value chains, poverty transitions, and housing.
Pacific Economic Monitor – July 2021
The Pacific is expected to recover with moderate growth of 0.3% in 2021 and 4.0% in 2022, with tourism and widespread vaccination playing key roles.
Asian Development Review: Volume 38, Number 1
This edition features studies on seasonal labor mobility in the Pacific as well as development issues relating to population aging, education, and the labor market in Asia.
Pacific Economic Monitor – December 2020
Sufficient provisioning for health and social protection will help support a swift, inclusive recovery in Pacific island countries.
Asian Development Review: Volume 37, Number 2
This issue includes a guide to the ADB COVID-19 Policy Database and articles on trade, manufacturing, human capital, and education in Asia and the Pacific.
Pacific Economic Monitor – July 2020
Most Pacific island countries appear to have avoided direct health impacts from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Yet, the pandemic highlights the need to strengthen their health and social protection systems.
Asian Development Review: Volume 37, Number 1
This edition discusses current economic, environmental, and development issues in Asia such as poverty, migration, and financial spillovers. It features research studies in Pakistan, the People's Republic of China, Thailand, and Viet Nam.
Pacific Economic Monitor – December 2019
The Pacific Economic Monitor provides updates on developments in Pacific economies and explores topical policy issues.
Asian Development Review: Volume 36, Number 2
This edition focuses on perspectives on structural change, whether the traditional path of moving from agriculture to industry and services still holds, the impact of globalization, and the effect of structural change on labor markets.
Pacific Economic Monitor – July 2019
The Pacific’s economic outlook remains solid despite the global slowdown. While social development gains in the region have been steady, some big challenges remain.