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Journal of Greater Mekong Subregion Development Studies - October 2014
This issue of the Journal of Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Development Studies features five articles of subregional importance spanning the subjects of free trade areas, tourism, and human trafficking.
Asian Development Review: Volume 31, Number 2
This issue covers the trade implications of the Trans-Pacific Partnership on Asian countries, global production sharing and wage premiums in Thai manufacturing, and the trade-off between development and security spending in Afghanistan.
Pacific Economic Monitor: July 2014 - Midyear Review
This issue of the Pacific Economic Monitor updates the 2014 and 2015 GDP growth and inflation projections for ADB's Pacific developing member countries, from those presented earlier in Asian Development Outlook 2014.
Climate Action South Asia: Information Update No. 5 (Assessing the Costs of Climate Change and Adaptation in South Asia)
This issue describes an ADB study that examined the economic costs of climate change to the region over the range of climate change conditions expected in the future.
News from Nepal: A Quarterly Newsletter of the Nepal Resident Mission of the Asian Development Bank (May 2014)
This issue of News from Nepal focuses on ADB projects that have helped improve Nepal's urban infrastructure and service delivery, including water supply and sanitation, urban transport, and integrated urban development.
From Aceh to Tacloban: Lessons from a Decade of Disaster
Development Asia looks at the lessons learned from a decade of dealing with natural disasters in Asia and the Pacific and at how the region’s economic growth could suffer unless it acts collectively on disaster risk.
Asian Development Review: Volume 31, Number 1
This issue includes an analysis of poverty in India, the effects of foreign investment in Viet Nam, and price differences and inequality in the housing market of the People's Republic of China, among others.
ADB-Asian Think Tank Network eNewsletter Issue 1
This first issue of the ADB-Asian Think Tank Network e-newsletter highlights the discussion of the first forum held in Beijing on 30-31 October 2013, and gives a list of participating think tanks to the initiative.
Pacific Economic Monitor: December 2013 - Budget Analysis
This issue of the Pacific Economic Monitor analyzes 2013 budget outcomes and 2014 budget plans of ADB's Pacific developing member countries.
Climate Action South Asia: Information Update No. 4 (Addressing Climate Risks in Development Interventions)
This issue introduces a systematic approach to climate risk screening being applied to ADB projects in South Asian countries.