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Dil Rahut, Vice-Chair of Research and Senior Research Fellow

Dil Rahut, Senior Research Fellow/Economist

Dil Rahut

Dil Rahut joined the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) as a Senior Research Fellow in January 2021 and was appointed Vice-Chair of Research in April 2022.

His research focuses on development microeconomics, agricultural economics, and environmental and natural resource economics. He is currently implementing experiments and field research in agriculture, natural resources, and climate in Asia.

Prior to joining ADBI, he was a senior global program manager for the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre’s (CIMMYT) socioeconomics and sustainable intensification programs and served as chair of the staffs’ committee at CIMMYT.

He also previously worked for the Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan’s Research and Statistics Department and served as a research fellow at the WorldFish Centre; senior fellow and Japan chair at the Indian Council for Research in International Economic Relations; chief of research, planning, and monitoring and Visa/Mastercard director at the Bank of Bhutan Ltd; and assistant professor of development economics at South Asian University.

He has over 130 publications in Scopus indexed journals and has guest-edited several journal special issues. He also serves as an editorial board member of the Asian Development Review and lectures. He lectures at the University of Tokyo and Hitotsubashi University in Japan on recent issues in development economics

Sun, Q., X. Li, and D.B. Rahut. 2021. Urbanicity and Nutrition: Evidence from Rural-Urban Migrants in China. China Agricultural Economic Review.

Gebre, G.G., H. Isoda, D.B. Rahut, Y. Amekawa, and H. Nomura. 2020. What Explains Gender Gaps in Household Food Security? Evidence from Maize Farm Households in Southern Ethiopia. Social Indicator Research.

Gautam, S., D.B. Rahut, O. Erenstein, and D.B. Kc. 2021. Impacts of Community-Based Seed Production group on Smallholder Farm Households: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from the Hills of Nepal. Experimental Agriculture.

Behera, B., P. Mishra, and D.B. Rahut. 2020. Coping with Climate Change - The Case of Water Conservation Structures in Eastern India. In Contemporary Issues in Sustainable Development: The Case of India, Routledge India, edited by T. Chakraborty, D. Mukherjee, and S. Saha. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003141020

Simtowe, F., D. Makumbi, M. Worku, H. Mawia, and D.B. Rahut. 2020. Scalability of Adaptation Strategies to Drought Stress: The Case of Drought Tolerant Maize Varieties in Kenya. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability: 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1080/14735903.2020.1823699

Manchanda, N., and D.B. Rahut. 2020. Inpatient Health Care Financing Strategies: Evidence from India. The European Journal of Development Research: 1–39. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41287-020-00312-w

Thapa, G., S. Gautam, D.B. Rahut, and D. Choudary. 2020. Cost Advantage of Biofortified Maize for the Poultry Feed Industry and Its Implications for Value Chain Actors in Nepal.  Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing: 1–25. https://doi.org/10.1080/08974438.2020.1780179

Marenya, P.P., G. Gebremariam, M. Jaleta, and D.B. Rahut. 2020. Sustainable Intensification among Smallholder Maize Farmers in Ethiopia: Adoption and Impacts under Rainfall and Unobserved Heterogeneity. Food Policy 95: 101941. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2020.101941

Aryal, J.P., A. Khatri-Chhetri, T.B. Sapkota, D.B. Rahut, and O. Erenstein. 2020. Adoption and Economic Impacts of Laser Land Leveling in the Irrigated Rice-Wheat System in Haryana, India Using Endogenous Switching Regression. Natural Resource Forum 44(3): 255–273. https://doi.org/10.1111/1477-8947.12197

Aryal, J.P., C.R. Farnworth, S. Ray, R. Khurana, T.B. Sapkota, and D.B. Rahut. 2020. Does Women’s Participation in Agricultural Technology Adoption Decisions Affect the Adoption of Climate-Smart Agriculture? Insights from Indo-Gangetic Plains of India. Review of Development Economics. https://doi.org/10.1111/rode.12670

Aryal, J.P., T.B. Sapkota, D.B. Rahut, T.J. Krupnik, S. Shahrin, M.L. Jat, and C.M. Stirling. 2020. Major Climate Risks and Adaptation Strategies of Smallholder Farmers in Coastal Bangladesh. Environmental Management 44(3): 255–273. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-020-01291-8

Gebre, G.G., H. Isoda, D.B. Rahut, Y. Amekawa, and H. Nomura. 2020. Gender Gaps in Market Participation among Individual and Joint Decision-Making Farm Households: Evidence from Southern Ethiopia. The European Journal of Development Research: 1–35

Paudel, G.P., H. Gartaula, D.B. Rahut, and P. Craufurd. 2020. Gender Differentiated Small-Scale Farm Mechanization in Nepal Hills: An Application of exogenous switching treatment regression. Technology in Society 61. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techsoc.2020.101250

Mahmood, H.Z., A. Ali, D.B. Rahut, B. Pervaiz, and F. Siddiqui. 2020. Linking Land Distribution with Food Security: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 30(1): 175–184.

Behera, B., D.B. Rahut, and N. Sethi. 2020. Analysis of Household Access to Drinking Water, Sanitation, and Waste Disposal Services in Urban Areas of Nepal. Utilities Policy 62.

Rahut, D.B., A. Ali, K. Abdul Mottaleb, and J. Prakash Aryal. 2020. Understanding Households’ Choice of Cooking Fuels: Evidence from Urban Households in Pakistan. Asian Development Review 37(1): 185–212.

Aryal, J.P., T.B. Sapkota, D.B. Rahut, and M.L. Jat. 2020. Agricultural Sustainability under Emerging Climatic Variability: The Role of Climate-Smart Agriculture and Relevant Policies in India. International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 14(2): 219–245.

Aryal, J.P., D.B. Rahut, T.B. Sapkota, R. Khurana, and A. Khatri-Chhetri. 2020. Climate Change Mitigation Options among Farmers in South Asia. Environment, Development and Sustainability 22(4): 3267–3289.

Aryal, J.P., M.L. Jat, T.B. Sapkota, D.B. Rahut, M. Rai, H.S. Jat, P.C. Sharma, and C. Stirling. 2020. Learning Adaptation to Climate Change from Past Climate Extremes: Evidence from Recent Climate Extremes in Haryana, India. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 12(1): 128–146.

Ali, A., and D.B. Rahut. 2020. Localized Floods, Poverty and Food Security: Empirical Evidence from Rural Pakistan. Hydrology 7(1).

Ali, A., A. Beshir Issa, and D.B. Rahut. 2020. Adoption and Impact of the Maize Hybrid on the Livelihood of the Maize Growers: Some Policy Insights from Pakistan. Scientifica.

Abid, M., A. Ali, D.B. Rahut, M. Raza, and M. Mehdi. 2020. Ex-Ante and Ex-Post Coping Strategies for Climatic Shocks and Adaptation Determinants in Rural Malawi. Climate Risk Management 27.

Tesfaye, K., A. Khatri-Chhetri, P.K. Aggarwal, F. Mequanint, P.B. Shirsath, C.M. Stirling M.L. Jat, D.B. Rahut, and O. Erenstein. 2020. Assessing Climate Adaptation Options for Cereal-Based Systems in the Eastern Indo-Gangetic Plains, South Asia. Journal of Agricultural Science 157(3): 189–210.

Simtowe, F., P. Marenya, E. Amondo, M. Worku, D.B. Rahut, and O. Erenstein. 2019. Heterogeneous Seed Access and Information Exposure: Implications for the Adoption of Drought-Tolerant Maize Varieties in Uganda. Agricultural and Food Economics 7(1).

Simtowe, F., E. Amondo, P. Marenya, D. Rahut, K. Sonder, and O. Erenstein. 2019. Impacts of Drought-Tolerant Maize Varieties on Productivity, Risk, and Resource Use: Evidence from Uganda. Land Use Policy 88.

Rahut, D.B., A. Ali, K.A. Mottaleb, and J.P. Aryal. 2019. Wealth, Education and Cooking-Fuel Choices among Rural Households in Pakistan. Energy Strategy Reviews 24: 236–243.

Paudel, G.P., D.B. Kc, D.B. Rahut, N.P. Khanal, S.E. Justice, and A.J. McDonald. 2019. Smallholder Farmers’ Willingness to Pay for Scale-Appropriate Farm Mechanization: Evidence from the Mid-hills of Nepal. Technology in Society 59.

Paudel, G.P., D.B. Kc, D.B. Rahut, S.E. Justice, and A.J. McDonald. 2019. Scale-Appropriate Mechanization Impacts on Productivity among Smallholders: Evidence from Rice Systems in the Mid-hills of Nepal. Land Use Policy 85: 104–113.

Mottaleb, K.A., D.B. Rahut, and A. Pallegedara. 2019. Spending Privately for Education in Nepal. Who Spends More on It and Why? International Journal of Educational Development 69: 39–47.

Mottaleb, K.A., D.B. Rahut, and O. Erenstein. 2019. Small Businesses, Potentially Large Impacts: The Role of Fertilizer Traders as Agricultural Extension Agents in Bangladesh. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies 9(2): 109–124.

Mottaleb, K.A., D.B. Rahut, and O. Erenstein. 2019. Do Market Shocks Generate Gender-Differentiated Impacts? Policy Implications from a Quasi-natural Experiment in Bangladesh. Women's Studies International Forum 76.

Mottaleb, K.A., and D.B. Rahut. 2019. Biogas Adoption and Elucidating Its Impacts in India: Implications for Policy. Biomass and Bioenergy 123: 166–174.

Mottaleb, K.A., and D.B. Rahut. 2019. Impacts of Improved Infrastructure on Labor Allocation and Livelihoods: The Case of the Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge, Bangladesh. European Journal of Development Research 31(4): 750–778.

Gebre, G.G., H. Isoda, D.B Rahut, Y. Amekawa, and H. Nomura. 2019. Gender Differences in Agricultural Productivity: Evidence from Maize Farm Households in Southern Ethiopia. GeoJournal.

Gebre, G.G., H. Isoda, D.B. Rahut, Y. Amekawa, and H. Nomura. 2019. Gender Differences in the Adoption of Agricultural Technology: The Case of Improved Maize Varieties in Southern Ethiopia. Women's Studies International Forum 76.

Aryal, J.P., T.B. Sapkota, R. Khurana, A. Khatri-Chhetri, D.B. Rahut, and M.L. Jat. 2019. Climate Change and Agriculture in South Asia: Adaptation Options in Smallholder Production Systems. Environment, Development and Sustainability 2019.

Aryal, J.P., D.B. Rahut, K.A. Mottaleb, and A. Ali. 2019. Gender and Household Energy Choice Using Exogenous Switching Treatment Regression: Evidence from Bhutan. Environmental Development 30: 61–75.

Aryal, J.P., D.B. Rahut, S. Maharjan, and O. Erenstein. 2019. Understanding Factors Associated with Agricultural Mechanization: A Bangladesh Case. World Development Perspectives 13: 1–9.

Aryal, J.P., K.A. Mottaleb, D. Rahut. 2019. Untangling Gender Differentiated Food Security Gaps in Bhutan: An Application of Exogenous Switching Treatment Regression. Review of Development Economics 23(2): 782–802.

Amondo, E., F. Simtowe, D.B. Rahut, and O. Erenstein. 2019. Productivity and Production Risk Effects of Adopting Drought-Tolerant Maize Varieties in Zambia. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 11(4): 570–591.

Ali, A., D.B. Rahut, K.A. Mottaleb, and J.P. Aryal. 2019. Alternate Energy sources for Lighting among Rural Households in the Himalayan Region of Pakistan: Access and Impact. Energy and Environment 30(7): 1291–1312.

Ali, A, D.B. Rahut, and M. Imtiaz. 2019. Effects of Pakistan’s Energy Crisis on Farm Households. Utilities Policy 59.

Ali, A., D.B. Rahut, M. Imtiaz. 2019. Affordability Linked with Subsidy: Impact of Fertilizers Subsidy on Household Welfare in Pakistan. Sustainability (Switzerland) 11(19).

Ali, A., and D.B. Rahut. 2019. Healthy Foods as Proxy for Functional Foods: Consumers' Awareness, Perception, and Demand for Natural Functional Foods in Pakistan. International Journal of Food Science.

Kulkarni, A.P., D. Rahut, R. Kumar, and P. Zaidi. 2019. Value Chain Analysis of Different Types of Maize Hybrid Seed: A Comparative Study of Public and Private Sector in Bihar. Agricultural Economics Research Review 32: 187–198. http://dx.doi.org/10.5958/0974-0279.2019.00031.4  

Tesfaye, K., G. Kruseman, J.E. Cairns, M. Zaman-Allah, D. Wegary, P.H. Zaidi, K.J. Boote, D. Rahut, and O. Erenstein. 2018. Potential Benefits of Drought and Heat Tolerance for Adapting Maize to Climate Change in Tropical Environments. Climate Risk Management 19: 106–119.

Rahut, D.B., K.A. Mottaleb, A. Ali, and J. Aryal. 2018. The Use and Determinants of Solar Energy by Sub-Saharan African Households. International Journal of Sustainable Energy 37(8): 718–735.

Rahut, D.B., K.A. Mottaleb, and A. Ali. 2018. Rural Livelihood Diversification Strategies and Household Welfare in Bhutan. European Journal of Development Research 30(4): 718–748.

Rahut, D. B., and A. Ali. 2018. Impact of Climate-Change Risk-Coping Strategies on Livestock Productivity and Household Welfare: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan. Heliyon 4(10).

Mottaleb, K.A., D.B. Rahut, G. Kruseman, and O. Erenstein. 2018. Evolving Food Consumption Patterns of Rural and Urban Households in Developing Countries: A Bangladesh Case. British Food Journal 120(2): 392–408.

Mottaleb, K.A., D.B. Rahut, G. Kruseman, and O. Erenstein. 2018. Wheat Production and Consumption Dynamics in an Asian Rice Economy: The Bangladesh Case. European Journal of Development Research 30(2): 252–275.

Mottaleb, K.A., D.B. Rahut, G. Kruseman, and O. Erenstein. 2018. Changing Food Consumption of Households in Developing Countries: A Bangladesh Case. Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing 30(2): 156–174.

Mottaleb, K.A., and D.B. Rahut. 2018. Impacts of Improved Infrastructure on Labor Allocation and Livelihoods: The Case of the Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge, Bangladesh. European Journal of Development Research.

Mottaleb, K.A., and D.B. Rahut. 2018. Cereal Consumption and Marketing Responses by Rural Smallholders under Rising Cereal Prices. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies 8(3): 461–479.

Mottaleb, K.A., and D.B. Rahut. 2018. Household Production and Consumption Patterns of Teff in Ethiopia. Agribusiness 34(3): 668–684.

Kassie, M., P. Marenya, Y. Tessema, M. Jaleta, D. Zeng, O. Erenstein, and D. Rahut. 2018. Measuring Farm and Market Level Economic Impacts of Improved Maize Production Technologies in Ethiopia: Evidence from Panel Data. Journal of Agricultural Economics 69(1): 76–95.

Dash, M., B. Behera, and D.B. Rahut. 2018. Understanding the Factors That Influence Household Use of Clean Energy in the Similipal Tiger Reserve, India. Natural Resources Forum 42(1), 3–18.

Aryal, J.P., D.B. Rahut, S. Maharjan, and O. Erenstein. 2018. Factors Affecting the Adoption of Multiple Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices in the Indo-Gangetic Plains of India. Natural Resources Forum 42(3), 141–158.

Aryal, J.P., D.B. Rahut, M.L. Jat, S. Maharjan, and O. Erenstein. 2018. Factors Determining the Adoption of Laser Land Leveling in the Irrigated Rice-Wheat System in Haryana, India. Journal of Crop Improvement 32(4): 477–492.

Aryal, J.P., K.A. Mottaleb, and D. Rahut. 2018. Untangling Gender Differentiated Food Security Gaps in Bhutan: An Application of Exogenous Switching Treatment Regression. Review of Development Economics, 10.1111/rode.12566

Aryal, J.P., M.L. Jat, T.B. Sapkota, A. Khatri-Chhetri, M. Kassie, D.B. Rahut, and S. Maharjan. 2018. Adoption of Multiple Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices in the Gangetic Plains of Bihar, India. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 10(3): 407–427.

Ali, A., D.B. Rahut, and K.A. Mottaleb. 2018. Improved Water-Management Practices and Their Impact on Food Security and Poverty: Empirical Evidence from Rural Pakistan. Water Policy 20(4): 692–711.

Ali, A., and D.B. Rahut. 2018. Forest-Based Livelihoods, Income, and Poverty: Empirical Evidence from the Himalayan Region of rural Pakistan. Journal of Rural Studies 57: 44–54.

Ali, A., and D.B. Rahut. 2018. Farmers Willingness to Grow GM Food and Cash Crops: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan. GM Crops and Food 9(4): 199–210.

Ali, A., I. Hussain, D.B. Rahut, and O. Erenstein. 2018. Laser-Land Leveling Adoption and Its Impact on Water Use, Crop Yields and Household Income: Empirical Evidence from the Rice-Wheat System of Pakistan Punjab. Food Policy 77: 19–32.

Tesfaye, K., P.H. Zaidi, S. Gbegbelegbe, C. Boeber, D.B. Rahut, F. Getaneh, K. Seetharam, O. Erenstein, and C. Stirling. 2017. Climate Change Impacts and Potential Benefits of Heat-Tolerant Maize in South Asia. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 130(3-4): 959–970.

Tesfaye, K., P.K. Aggarwal, F. Mequanint, P.B. Shirsath, C.M. Stirling, A. Khatri-Chhetri, and D.B. Rahut. 2017. Climate Variability and Change in Bihar, India: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Crop Production. Sustainability (Switzerland) 9(11).

Rahut, D.B., K.A. Mottaleb, A. Ali, and J.P. Aryal. 2017. Energy Consumption Transition through the Use of Electricity for Lighting and Cooking: Evidence from Bhutan. Renewable Energy Focus 18: 11–21.

Rahut, D.B., K.A. Mottaleb, and A. Ali. 2017. Household Energy Consumption and Its Determinants in Timor-leste. Asian Development Review 34(1): 167–197.

Rahut, D.B., K.A. Mottaleb, and A. Ali. 2017. Occupation Choice in the Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Sectors by the Rural Youth and Females in Bhutan. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 27(3): 978–985.

Rahut, D. B., B. Behera, A. Ali, and P. Marenya. 2017. A Ladder Within a Ladder: Understanding the Factors Influencing a Household's Domestic Use of Electricity in Four African Countries. Energy Economics 66: 167–181.

Rahut, D.B., B. Behera, and A. Ali. 2017. Factors Determining Household Use of Clean and Renewable Energy Sources for Lighting in Sub-Saharan Africa. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 72: 661–672.

Rahut, D.B., A. Ali, and K.A. Mottaleb. 2017. Understanding the Determinants of Alternate Energy Options for Cooking in the Himalayas: Empirical Evidence from the Himalayan Region of Pakistan. Journal of Cleaner Production 149: 528–539.

Rahut, D.B., A. Ali, and B. Behera. 2017. Domestic Use of Dirty Energy and Its Effects on Human Health: Empirical Evidence from Bhutan. International Journal of Sustainable Energy 36(10): 983–993.

Rahut, D.B., and A. Ali. 2017. Coping with Climate Change and Its Impact on Productivity, Income, and Poverty: Evidence from the Himalayan Region of Pakistan. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 24: 515–525.

Mulwa, C., P. Marenya, D.B. Rahut, and M. Kassie. 2017. Response to Climate Risks among Smallholder Farmers in Malawi: A Multivariate Probit Assessment of the Role of Information, Household Demographics, and Farm Characteristics. Climate Risk Management 16: 208–221.

Mottaleb, K.A., D.B. Rahut, and A.K. Mishra. 2017. Modeling Rice Grain-Type Preferences in Bangladesh. British Food Journal 119(9): 2049–2061.

Mottaleb, K.A., D.B. Rahut, and A.K. Mishra. 2017. Consumption of Food Away from Home in Bangladesh: Do Rich Households Spend More? Appetite, 119: 54–63.

Mottaleb, K.A., D.B. Rahut, A. Ali, B. Gérard, and O. Erenstein. 2017. Enhancing Smallholder Access to Agricultural Machinery Services: Lessons from Bangladesh. Journal of Development Studies 53(9): 1502–1517.

Mottaleb, K.A., D.B. Rahut, and A. Ali. 2017. An Exploration into the Household Energy  Choice and Expenditure in Bangladesh. Energy, 135: 767–776.

Marenya, P.P., M.B. Kassie, M.D. Jaleta, and D.B. Rahut. 2017. Maize Market Participation among Female- and Male-Headed Households in Ethiopia. Journal of Development Studies 53(4): 481–494.

Marenya, P.P., M. Kassie, M. Jaleta, D.B. Rahut, and O. Erenstein. 2017. Predicting Minimum Tillage Adoption among Smallholder Farmers Using Micro-Level and Policy Variables. Agricultural and Food Economics 5(1).

Ali, A., D.B. Rahut, K.A. Mottaleb, and O. Erenstein. 2017. Impacts of Changing Weather Patterns on Smallholder Well-Being: Evidence from the Himalayan Region of Northern Pakistan. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 9(2): 225–240.

Ali, A., D.B. Rahut, and M. Imtiaz. 2017. Implications of Less Tail End Water on Livelihoods of Small Farmers in Pakistan. Outlook on Agriculture 46(1): 36–43.

Ali, A., A. Abdulai, and D.B. Rahut. 2017. Farmers' Access to Markets: The Case of Cotton in Pakistan. Asian Economic Journal 31(2): 211–232.

Ali, A., D.B. Rahut, M. Imtiaz, and B. Behera. 2016. Impact of Secured Land Rights on Crop Productivity: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan, Land Tenure Journal 2016/01: 61–87.

Rahut, D.B., B. Behera, and A. Ali. 2016. Household Energy Choice and Consumption Intensity: Empirical Evidence from Bhutan. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 53: 993–1009.

Rahut, D.B., B. Behera, and A. Ali. 2016. Do Forest Resources Help Increase Rural Household Income and Alleviate Rural Poverty? Empirical Evidence from Bhutan. Forests Trees and Livelihoods 25(3): 187–198.

Rahut, D.B., B. Behera, and A. Ali 2016. Patterns and Determinants of Household Use of Fuels for Cooking: Empirical Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa. Energy 117: 93–104.

Rahut, D.B., A. Ali, M. Imtiaz, K.A. Mottaleb, and O. Erenstein. 2016. Impact of Irrigation Water Scarcity on Rural Household Food Security and Income in Pakistan. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 16(3): 675–683.

Rahut, D.B., A. Ali, N.B. Chhetri, B. Behera, and P.R. Jena. 2016. Access to Safe Drinking Water and Human Health: Empirical Evidence from Rural Bhutan. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 16(5): 1349–1360.

Dash, M., B. Behera, and D.B. Rahut. 2016. Determinants of Household Collection of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) and Alternative Livelihood Activities in Similipal Tiger Reserve, India. Forest Policy and Economics 73: 215–228.

Ali, A., D.B. Rahut, and M. Imtiaz. 2016. Acceptability of GM Foods among Pakistani Consumers. GM Crops & Food 7(2): 117–124.

Ali, A., D.B. Rahut, and O. Erenstein. 2016. Irrigation Water Saving through Adoption of Direct Rice Sowing Technology in the Indo-Gangetic Plains: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan. Water Practice and Technology 11(3): 610–620.

Ali, A., D.B. Rahut, and B. Behera. 2016. Factors Influencing Farmers' Adoption of Energy-Based Water Pumps and Impacts on Crop Productivity and Household Income in Pakistan. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 54: 48–57.

Rahut, D.B., P.R. Jena, A. Ali, B. Behera, and N.B. Chhetri. 2015. Rural Nonfarm Employment, Income, and Inequality: Evidence from Bhutan. Asian Development Review 32(2): 65–94.

Rahut, D.B., B. Behera, and A. Ali. 2015. Household Access to Water and Choice of Treatment Methods: Empirical Evidence from Bhutan. Water Resources and Rural Development 5: 1–16.

Rahut, D.B., A. Ali, and B. Behera. 2015. Household Participation and Effects of Community Forest Management on Income and Poverty Levels: Empirical Evidence from Bhutan. Forest Policy and Economics 61: 20–29.

Rahut, D.B. and A. Ali. 2015. Market Participation by Subsistence Farmers: Evidence from the Himalayas. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 25(6): 1713–1721.

Jena, P.R., C. Ngokkuen, D.B. Rahut, and U. Grote. 2015. Geographical Indication Protection and Rural Livelihoods: Insights from India and Thailand. Asia-Pacific Economic Literature 29(1) : 174–185.

Behera, B., D.B. Rahut, A. Jeetendra, and A. Ali. 2015. Household Collection and Use of Biomass Energy Sources in South Asia. Energy 85 : 468–480.

Ali, A., D.B. Rahut, B. Behera, and M. Imtiaz. 2015. Farmers’ Access to Certified Wheat Seed and Its Effect on Poverty Reduction in Pakistan. Journal of Crop Improvement 29(2): 247–265.

Ali, A., O. Erenstein, and D.B. Rahut. 2015. Impact of Gender Participation in Non-Farming Activities on Household Income and Poverty Levels in Pakistan. Work 52(2): 345–351.

Scharf, M.M., and D.B. Rahut. 2014. Nonfarm Employment and Rural Welfare: Evidence from the Himalayas. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 96(4): 1183–1197.

Rahut, D.B., S. Das, H. De Groote, and B. Behera. 2014. Determinants of Household Energy Use in Bhutan. Energy 69: 661–672.

Ali, A., O. Erenstein, and D.B. Rahut. 2014. Impact of Direct Rice-Sowing Technology on Rice Producers’ Earnings: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan. Development Studies Research 1(1): 244–254.

Ali, A., O. Erenstein, and D.B. Rahut. 2014. Gender Contribution in Production of High Value Crops: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 24(3): 936–944.

Bisht, M., and D.B. Rahut. 2013. Assessing Bhutan's Elections: Some Facts, Some Assumptions. Economic and Political Weekly 48(39): 15–17.

Ali, A., and D.B. Rahut. 2013. Impact of Agricultural Extension Services on Technology Adoption and Crops Yield: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development 3(11): 801–812.

Rahut, D.B., and M. Micevska Scharf. 2012. Livelihood Diversification Strategies in the Himalayas. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 56(4): 558–582.

Rahut, D.B., and M. Micevska Scharf. 2012. Non-Farm Employment and Incomes in Rural Cambodia. Asian-Pacific Economic Literature 26(2): 54–71.

Rahut, D.B. 2012. In Search of Prosperity: Analyzing the External Trade Policy of Bhutan. Bhutan Journal of Research and Development 1(1).

Rahut, D.B, and N.B. Chhetri. 2012. Feeder Road and Welfare: Evidence from Bhutan. Bhutan Journal of Research and Development, 1(2): 171–186.

Rahut, D.B, I.V. Castellanos, and P. Sahoo. 2012 Performance of Financial Institutions in Bhutan. Asia-Pacific Development Journal 19(1): 97–138.

Castellanos, I.V. and D.B. Rahut. 2012. Household Welfare, Extreme and Chronic Poverty between Indigenous Groups of Bolivia. Poverty & Public Policy 4(2): 1–28.

Micevska, M., and D.B. Rahut. 2008. Rural Nonfarm Employment and Incomes in the Himalayas. Economic Development and Cultural Change 57(1): 163–193.

Rahut, D.B. 2007. Bhutan: Dutch Disease and Possible Alternatives Available. Economic and Political Weekly 42(22): 2052–2054.

Role of Regional Trade and Rural Development for Food Security in Bhutan

Rahut, D. B. 2011. In Policy Options to Achieve Food Security in South Asia, edited by S. Mittal and D. Sethi. Foundation Books.

Rural Non Farm Sector: Employment and Investment Opportunities

Rahut, D.R., and K. Subba. 2008. In Food for Policy, edited by S. Mittal and A. Mukherjee. Foundation Books.

Determinants of Poverty in Nepal: A Study of Disadvantaged People

Rahut, D.B. 2006. In Globalisation and Human Rights. New Delhi: Serials Publication.

Rural Non-Farm Employment in the Lower Himalayas of Eastern India (A Micro-Economic Analysis)

Rahut, D.B. 2006. Göttingen, Germany: Cuvillier.

Coping with Climate Change - The case of Water Conservation Structures in Eastern India

Behera, B., P. Mishra, and D.B. Rahut. 2020. In Contemporary Issues in Sustainable Development: The Case of India, edited by T. Chakraborty, D. Mukherjee, and S. Saha. Routledge India. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003141020 3

21 Nov 2022 COP27, climate change mitigation, and a just transition for developing Asia - Asia Pathways

Global communities need to come together to act quickly to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and attain net-zero carbon emissions.

9 September 2022 Servitization of digital technologies to advance health inclusion in developing countries - Asia Pathways

Rectifying the uneven distribution of healthcare remains key to reducing health inequity.

22 July 2022 Reimagining South Asia’s electricity system amid growing energy market volatility - Asia Pathways

Regional collaboration can help to alleviate South Asia’s energy security challenges, which have been compounded by rising oil and gas prices, inflation, prospective food deprivation, and food protectionism.

30 June 2022 Protecting victims of climate-induced migration and displacement in South Asia - Asia Pathways

South Asia is home to a quarter of the world’s population and is extremely susceptible to climate change-induced displacement and migration.

10 June 2022 Fixing the agriculture–climate change maladaptation information gap - Asia Pathways

Further research is needed on the risks associated with adaptation measures that can increase current or future vulnerability to climate change.

24 May 2022 Digital governance can unlock connectivity potential and transformation - Asia Pathways

Digital governance incorporates new norms, rules, and processes to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in government functions for all stakeholders.

10 Dec 2021 The next steps for meeting nationally determined contributions after COP26 - Asia Pathways

Reductions in emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases must be achieved in the coming decades to avoid catastrophic global temperature rises. Limiting global warming to within 1.5°C will require rapid, far-reaching, and unprecedented changes in all sectors.

13 August 2021 Lessons for the informal sector from COVID-19 - Asia Pathways

The informal sector, which employs over 62% of the global population, is a fundamental source of livelihood for over 2 billion people (ILO 2020). Here, “employment” includes self-employment, and the informal sector refers to the part of the economy that is generally not monitored by a tax authority or other forms of government.

21 July 2021 Rebooting food systems to achieve the unfinished agenda of global food security - Asia Pathways

Food insecurity continues to be a pressing issue worldwide, despite scientific innovation and technological advancements in agriculture. Therefore, food security continues to be at the center of the global development agenda.

18 June 2021 Unraveling the linkages between agriculture and climate change - Asia Pathways

The connection between climate change and agriculture (both crops and livestock) is complex. On the one hand, agriculture is adversely affected by climate change (Aryal et al. 2020a; Lobell et al. 2011), but on the other hand, it is also one of the major factors exacerbating climate change (Smith et al. 2008; Aryal et al. 2020b).

14 May 2021 Climate change impacts in Asia are all essentially a water story - Asia Pathways

Global climate change caused by human activities will continue to be catastrophic for humanity. In particular, climate change is having serious impacts on the world’s water systems (United Nations 2020), and changes in these systems can have an enormous impact on people’s lives.

2 April 2021 Transitioning to high-value agriculture through cluster-based development - Asia Pathways

Income growth, urbanization, nutritional awareness, and supermarket revolutions in Asia are fueling demand for high-value agricultural products (HVPs), such as vegetables and fruits.