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Just In Time: Making an MBA Work for You

Programs do exist that allow you the flexibility to fit a graduate degree into your busy schedule and not the other way around.   

Prepping for the field

Think about the current workforce we employ. More and more of the workforce is being filled by millennials, individuals who are more mobile and more apt to change jobs at an increased rate compared to the generations before them.

This generation needs their graduate degree to fit into their exciting, ever-changing lifestyle and more and more schools are redesigning their programs to meet those needs. Being able to have the opportunity to gain experience while you pursue your degree is a huge advantage as a professional. Theories that you learn on a Tuesday evening could be immediately applied in practice on Wednesday morning back at the office or at your internship.

Make it a win-win

To an employer who may be financing your degree, it is extremely valuable for them to see the return on their investment in real time. MBA programs are designed not only to increase knowledge on business theory, but also enhance your ability as a business professional and an evening format really allows students to continuously connect their profession with their program.

Full-time programs offer a lot of great features to students looking to transition in their careers, but you really cannot beat the format of being a fully invested student within a part-time flexible program. Your understanding of the concepts presented is greatly enhanced and the conversation within the classroom is much more active and engaging.

Affording flexibility

Finally, the last major advantage to programs that offer a flexible evening schedule is that even though you are intending to stay within your organization, you can still network with the rest of your classmates. In a part-time format, this is a huge advantage because there may be classmates you meet who are in positions that are desirable and their advice is invaluable. In this instance, you can continue to work full-time, while keeping an ear out to new opportunities that may arise.

Your ability to perform on a group project or presentation could impress a classmate looking to fill an important role and your next opportunity may pop up unexpectedly. The best part is, you could be on campus or online and still have the ability to interact with classmates who can open doors to your future career.

Don’t settle for a program that can’t give you the flexibility you need. In today’s environment, you don’t want to be mobile; you have to be. And what better way to enhance your profile than a graduate degree from a top university? A live, online classroom that is part of the campus classroom is a huge advantage with the technology available and you can study at a top school even if it is located further than a short drive from your home.  

Michael Tarantino, Director, Graduate Admissions & Recruitment, Lehigh University, College of Business & Economics, [email protected]

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