What are the main cofinancing options with ADB?
Project-specific cofinancing
Grants and loans from partners are earmarked for individual projects.
Financing partnership facility (FPF)
A strategic, long-term, multi-partner cooperation mechanism that links various forms of assistance in a coordinated manner for well-defined purposes. These may include trust funds, special funds, risk-sharing mechanisms, or knowledge sharing that financing partners agree upon to support a specific sector.
Trust funds
Administered by ADB, these enable support to either a group of countries/beneficiaries or specific focus areas, such as disaster risk management, clean energy, private sector development, gender and development, good governance, information technology, poverty reduction, and regional trade.
Framework cofinancing arrangement (FCA)
ADB and the development partner/s mutually agree to support specific regional, country, or focus areas under a streamlined approach. FCAs may specify a cofinancing amount that development partners are willing to provide over a specific period.
Institutional arrangement
A higher-level arrangement between the development partner/s and ADB. ADB signs cofinancing arrangements with bilateral and multilateral funding agencies to maximize the impact of development assistance. These aim to enhance collaboration and complementary work through focused loans or grants.