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საქართველოს ოქრო: შენი ისტორია, შენი თაობა
2019-ში 28 წლის ბააკამ და მისმა ბავშვობის მეგობარმა, 30 წლის ნიკამ საქართველოში ჩაის პლანტაციების 25 ჰექტარი აღადგინეს. და ამგვარად, შეუერთდნენ მოძრაობას, რომელიც მიზნად ისახავს ქვეყანაში თითქმის დაკარგული ინდუსტრიის აღდგენას. -
Reimagining the Future of Transport Across Asia and the Pacific
The transport sector is undergoing rapid change. By understanding the trends shaping transport, we can prepare for the challenges and build a shared vision for the future. -
Improving Energy Access in Armenia
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has been helping Armenia improve power generation and transmission while reducing carbon emissions that exacerbate climate change. -
Indonesia’s Golden Generation: Your Story, Your Generation
Eighty-three-year-old Engkom Komariah runs a small business in Indonesia’s West Java where she employs elderly women so they can be financially independent. -
Bangladesh’s Water Crops: Your Story, Your Generation
Farmers in the south-central districts of Bangladesh, like Firdouz Ahmed, 62, are turning to a centuries-old form of hydroponics to grow their crops in rising waters to adapt to a changing climate. -
Papua New Guinea’s Beekeeping Queen: Your Story, Your Generation
For 53-year-old Hepsibah Kole, beekeeping is more than an activity that helps her earn some money and pay for her children’s school fees. It’s an occupation that helps her fulfil her aspiration of being independent and make her own decisions. -
Georgia’s Trading Gold: Your Story, Your Generation
In 2019, Baaka, 28 years old, and his childhood friend Nika, 30 years old, rehabilitated 25 hectares of tea plantations in Georgia, joining a movement that is reviving an industry that was all but lost in the country. -
World’s Football Manufacturing Capital in Pakistan Gets a Green Makeover
Pakistan’s Sialkot city manufactures over 70% of the world’s footballs and is the source of footballs for the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Doha, Qatar. ADB is working with the government to upgrade infrastructure and services in the thriving business hub. -
აზიის განვითარების ბანკი და საქართველო - მჭიდრო თანამშრომლობის 15 წელი
2007 წლიდან დღემდე აზიის განვითარების ბანკი (ADB) და საქართველო თანამშრომლობენ ქვეყნის ეკონომიკის ზრდისა და მოსახლეობის ცხოვრების გაუმჯობესებისთვის. მთავრობისა და კერძო სექტორისთვის გაცემული ADB-ის ფინანსური დახმარება $4 მილიარდს შეადგენს და შედეგები თვალსაჩინოა. -
ADB-Georgia – 15 Years of Strong Partnership
Since 2007, ADB and Georgia have worked together to help the country’s economy grow and improve people’s lives. ADB has delivered over $4 billion in assistance to the government and private sector, with visible results.
Asian Impact
A webinar series that showcases ADB's research work and informs debate on critical policy issues in Asia
Fast Talk
Fast interviews with experts and people who matter