Validations of Country Partnership Strategy Final Reviews

Validate findings and assess the quality of country partnership strategy final reviews.

  • 17 Oct 2022

    Validation of India Country Partnership Strategy Final Review, 2016-2021

    ONGOING EVALUATION. The Independent Evaluation Department (IED) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) will validate the findings of the India country partnership strategy final review (CPSFR). ADB is preparing a new country partnership strategy (CPS) for India. ADB prepared a self-evaluation (CPSFR) of its current CPS and its recent country program portfolio (2016–2021), which it submitted to IED for validation on 3 May 2022.This includes two years (2016–2017) from the previous CPS period.
  • Validation of Kazakhstan Country Partnership Strategy Final Review, 2017–2021
    10 Jun 2022

    Validation of Kazakhstan Country Partnership Strategy Final Review, 2017–2021

    The Independent Evaluation Department (IED) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) validated the final review of ADB’s Kazakhstan country partnership strategy (CPS) 2017–2021. As in the CPS final review, the validation assessed ADB operations that were approved, ongoing, or closed from January 2017 to March 2021. The validation was primarily based on information presented in the CPS final review. It also used evidence gathered through document reviews, portfolio analysis, and consultations with stakeholders during a virtual mission conducted in September–October 2021.
  • Validation of Sri Lanka Country Partnership Strategy Final Review, 2016–2021
    13 May 2022

    Validation of Sri Lanka Country Partnership Strategy Final Review, 2016–2021

    This validation covers Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) support for Sri Lanka during 2016–2020. It includes ongoing and completed ADB loans, grants, and technical assistance (TA) from 2016 to 2020. The validation aims to identify lessons and recommendations for ADB’s future operations, in particular the forthcoming Sri Lanka Country Partnership Strategy (CPS), 2023–2027. 
  • Validation of the Kyrgyz Republic Country Partnership Strategy Final Review, 2018–2022
    14 Jan 2022

    Validation of the Kyrgyz Republic Country Partnership Strategy Final Review, 2018–2022

    This validation report covers Asian Development Bank (ADB) support for the Kyrgyz Republic during 2018–2022. The Kyrgyz Republic is a concessional-assistance-only country with equal access to concessional ordinary capital resources lending and Asian Development Fund (ADF) grants. The validation assessed the approved, closed, and ongoing ADB operations during the country partnership strategy (CPS) period to inform ADB’s future country program.
  • Validation of Timor-Leste Country Partnership Strategy Final Review, 2016–2020
    10 Jan 2022

    Validation of Timor-Leste Country Partnership Strategy Final Review, 2016–2020

    This document is a validation by the Independent Evaluation Department (IED) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Timor-Leste country partnership strategy final review (CPSFR), 2016– 2020 prepared by the ADB Southeast Asia Department (SERD). The validation drew from relevant documents and conducted virtual interviews with ADB staff, government officials, and other stakeholders from February to April 2021 due to travel restrictions caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
  • Validation of Mongolia Country Partnership Strategy Final Review, 2017–2020
    21 Apr 2021

    Validation of Mongolia Country Partnership Strategy Final Review, 2017–2020

    The Independent Evaluation Department (IED) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has validated the Mongolia country partnership strategy (CPS) final review, 2017–2020. The validation concluded that the program was successful on the borderline. It found the program was relevant, effective, less than efficient, likely sustainable, and with satisfactory development impact. The final review rated ADB’s program successful: highly relevant, effective, less than efficient, and likely sustainable, with a satisfactory development impact.
  • Validation of Viet Nam Country Partnership Strategy Final Review, 2016–2020
    15 Apr 2021

    Validation of Viet Nam Country Partnership Strategy Final Review, 2016–2020

    This report validates the assessment and findings of the country partnership strategy final review (CPSFR) prepared by ADB’s Southeast Asia Department (SERD) for the country partnership strategy (CPS) for Viet Nam, 2016–2020. The report identifies lessons and issues during implementation of the CPS 2016–2020 and provides recommendations for the next CPS covering 2021–2025. The validation assesses the performance of ADB’s country lending and nonlending program implemented during the CPS 2016–2020.
  • Tajikistan: Validation of Country Partnership Strategy Final Review, 2016-2020
    8 Jan 2021

    Tajikistan: Validation of Country Partnership Strategy Final Review, 2016-2020

    The Asian Development Bank (ADB) Tajikistan country partnership strategy (CPS), 2016–2020 aimed to support the government to achieve sustained and inclusive growth that would be less susceptible to external shocks and create higher-paying jobs. It laid out three pathways toward this end: (i) reducing infrastructure bottlenecks in the transport and energy; (ii) improving the investment climate and developing skills; and (iii) integrating support for food security, water resources management, and climate change adaptation.
  • Validation of Pacific Approach Country Partnership Strategy Final Review, 2016–2020
    1 Dec 2020

    Validation of Pacific Approach Country Partnership Strategy Final Review, 2016–2020

    The Asian Development Bank (ADB) Pacific Approach country partnership strategy (CPS), 2016–2020 serves as the operational framework for ADB operations for the Pacific region and the overall partnership strategy for the 11 smaller Pacific island countries (PIC-11): the Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu. It outlined a three-pronged thematic strategy focusing on reducing costs, managing risks, and enabling value creation.
  • Maldives: Validation of the Country Partnership Strategy Final Review Update, 2014–2019
    31 Aug 2020

    Maldives: Validation of the Country Partnership Strategy Final Review Update, 2014–2019

    The series of Asian Development Bank (ADB) interim country partnership strategies for Maldives, 2014–2019 aimed to support the country’s objective of establishing an environmentally sustainable and economically inclusive society. ADB’s country program sought to contribute to improving connectivity and expanding access to public infrastructure and services; better economic management and revenue enhancement; micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises development; and more recently, to improving solid waste management. 
