Jukka Tulivuori joined ADB/SDCC on 1 October 2019. As part of the team, Jukka is improving teaching and learning outcomes in school education in the area of Asia-Pacific.
Jukka’s main interest areas have been Science and Environmental education as well as ICT in Education. He has been a Curriculum Specialist and was heavily involved in planning of the new Finnish Core Curriculum for Basic Education. He has also been a member of various working groups: including UNESCO, European Commission and European Schoolnet.
This brief draws on lessons from Finland, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Uzbekistan to explore how governments can strengthen training and continuous professional development for teachers to boost their skills and improve student learning outcomes.
This publication focuses on the state of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and education technology (EdTech) in Bangladesh, Cambodia, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Uzbekistan.
This publication discusses how to create sustainable and high quality teacher capacity development systems for primary and secondary education, technical and vocational education and training, and higher education.
This brief provides an overview of ADB’s school education support for its developing member countries and discusses lessons learned and emerging priorities.
This publication presents case studies on the successful application of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education in Thailand, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, and Finland.
ADB’s staff and professionals come from different backgrounds and bring a diverse set of skills and expertise in fulfilling our mission. Meet Jukka Tulivuori, a Social Sector Specialist from Finland who is making an impact in Asia and the Pacific.
Through its membership with a multilateral organization such as ADB, Finland has been able to reach out to almost half of the world and drive ADB’s work on education.