fbpx Thailand: Translations in Thai (ภาษาไทย) | Asian Development Bank

Thailand and ADB

ADB’s new country partnership strategy for Thailand, 2021–2025, provides value-added knowledge and finance solutions through one coordinated channel of engagement.

Translations in Thai (ภาษาไทย)


Latest on Thailand

New ADB Program to Accelerate Development of Climate Projects in Southeast Asia

09 Nov 2022 | News Release

New ADB Program to Accelerate Development of Climate Projects in Southeast Asia

ADB has approved a $15 million technical assistance program, supported by ADB’s own funds and the Green Climate Fund, to develop projects that promote climate change adaptation and mitigation in Southeast Asia.

BIMSTEC Trade Facilitation Strategic Framework 2030

23 Dec 2022 | Publication

BIMSTEC Trade Facilitation Strategic Framework 2030

This report outlines nontariff barriers to trade between BISMSTEC subregion countries and shows how a structured approach centered on boosting compliance, harnessing technology, and improving infrastructure can bolster intraregional trade.

Estimating the Job Creation Impact of Development Assistance

23 Dec 2022 | Publication

Estimating the Job Creation Impact of Development Assistance

This publication shares findings on how to better estimate the impact of development assistance on job creation.

Leveraging Thematic Circuits for BIMSTEC Tourism Development

23 Dec 2022 | Publication

Leveraging Thematic Circuits for BIMSTEC Tourism Development

This report shows how countries in the BIMSTEC subregion can work together to rebuild their pandemic-battered travel industries and create intraregional thematic tour packages to boost visitor numbers and support sustainable development.