What is ADB technical assistance (TA)?

Technical assistance (TA) is a mode of ADB support that facilitates the preparation, financing, and execution of development projects and programs. It helps developing member countries (DMCs) improve their capacities and make better use of their development resources.

TA may be provided to a DMC government and/or another entity in the DMC, either directly or at the request of the government.

There are two types of TA:

  • Transaction TA (TRTA) is linked to an ADB-financed project or program. It prepares and enhances the implementation readiness of a specific ensuing project, develops capacity, and provides policy advice. It can also help develop a specific public–private partnership project under transaction advisory services.
  • Knowledge and support TA (KSTA) is not directly linked to an ADB-financed project or program. Activities include capacity development, policy advice, and research and development. Outputs of KSTA often inform government policies, strategies, and development plans.

What does TA pay for?

TA pays for consulting services and related support costs, and pilot-testing activities. Activities eligible for TRTA funding include:

  • Feasibility study for proposed project investments
  • Due diligence
  • Preliminary engineering design and cost estimates
  • Pilot-testing
  • Capacity development
  • Project implementation support
  • Policy advice
  • Activities eligible for KSTA funding include:
  • Knowledge sharing and dialogue among DMCs
  • Regional cooperation initiatives and analytical work for better governance, efficiency, and equity
  • Sector, thematic, and economic studies
  • Flagship knowledge and innovative solutions including high-level technologies
  • Pilot-testing