Tajikistan: Translations in Tajik (тоҷикӣ)
06 May 2015 | Project Document
Идоракунии захираҳои обӣ дар ҳавзаи дарёи Панҷ : Варақаи маълумотӣ оид ба лоиҳа
ADB's Public Communications Policy 2011 requires the translation of the project data sheet (PDS) for all loan, grant, and project preparatory technical assistance projects with concept papers approved after 2 April 2012. PDSs are translated into relevant national language(s) at key project milestones to ensure that relevant project information is provided to affected people and other interested stakeholders. This document dated May 2015 is provided for the ADB project 47181-001 in Tajikistan. -
28 Oct 2014 | Project Document
Барномаи ислоҳоти фазои инвеститсионӣ - Зербарномаи 1 : Маълумот дар бораи лоиҳа
ADB's Public Communications Policy 2011 requires the translation of the project data sheet (PDS) for all loan, grant, and project preparatory technical assistance projects with concept papers approved after 2 April 2012. PDSs are translated into relevant national language(s) at key project milestones to ensure that relevant project information is provided to affected people and other interested stakeholders. This document dated October 2014 is provided for the ADB project 47099-002 in Tajikistan. -
21 Jul 2014 | Project Document
Лоиҳаи беҳсозии Коридори 6-и Ҳамкориҳои иқтисодии минтақаи Осиёи марказӣ (роҳи автомобилгарди Айнӣ-сарҳади Ӯзбекистон) : Маълумот дар бораи лоиҳа
ADB's Public Communications Policy 2011 requires the translation of the project data sheet (PDS) for all loan, grant, and project preparatory technical assistance projects with concept papers approved after 2 April 2012. PDSs are translated into relevant national language(s) at key project milestones to ensure that relevant project information is provided to affected people and other interested stakeholders. This document dated July 2014 is provided for the ADB project 45432-002 in Tajikistan. -
20 Jul 2014 | Project Document
Лоиҳаи Дастрасӣ ба маблағгузории энергияи сабз : Маълумот дар бораи лоиҳа
ADB's Public Communications Policy 2011 requires the translation of the project data sheet (PDS) for all loan, grant, and project preparatory technical assistance projects with concept papers approved after 2 April 2012. PDSs are translated into relevant national language(s) at key project milestones to ensure that relevant project information is provided to affected people and other interested stakeholders. This document dated July 2014 is provided for the ADB project 45229-001 in Tajikistan. -
20 Jul 2014 | Project Document
Барномаи таҳкими идоракунии захираҳои давлатӣ : Маълумот дар бораи лоиҳа
ADB's Public Communications Policy 2011 requires the translation of the project data sheet (PDS) for all loan, grant, and project preparatory technical assistance projects with concept papers approved after 2 April 2012. PDSs are translated into relevant national language(s) at key project milestones to ensure that relevant project information is provided to affected people and other interested stakeholders. This document dated July 2014 is provided for the ADB project 44061-012 in Tajikistan. -
20 Jul 2014 | Project Document
Тандурустии беҳтари кӯдак ва модар тавассути пайвасти роҳҳо : Маълумот дар бораи лоиҳа
ADB's Public Communications Policy 2011 requires the translation of the project data sheet (PDS) for all loan, grant, and project preparatory technical assistance projects with concept papers approved after 2 April 2012. PDSs are translated into relevant national language(s) at key project milestones to ensure that relevant project information is provided to affected people and other interested stakeholders. This document dated July 2014 is provided for the ADB project 46077-001 in Tajikistan. -
29 Apr 2014 | Project Document
Коридорҳои 3 ва 5-и ҳамкориҳои иқтисодии Осиёи марказӣ Лоиҳаи густариш : Маълумот дар бораи лоиҳа
ADB's Public Communications Policy 2011 requires the translation of the project data sheet (PDS) for all loan, grant, and project preparatory technical assistance projects with concept papers approved after 2 April 2012. PDSs are translated into relevant national language(s) at key project milestones to ensure that relevant project information is provided to affected people and other interested stakeholders. This document dated April 2014 is provided for the ADB project 46543-002 in Tajikistan. -
29 Apr 2014 | Project Document
Бунёд намудани зарфиятҳои муқовимат ба иқлим дар ҳавзаи дарёи Панҷ : Маълумот дар бораи лоиҳа
ADB's Public Communications Policy 2011 requires the translation of the project data sheet (PDS) for all loan, grant, and project preparatory technical assistance projects with concept papers approved after 2 April 2012. PDSs are translated into relevant national language(s) at key project milestones to ensure that relevant project information is provided to affected people and other interested stakeholders. This document dated April 2014 is provided for the ADB project 45354-002 in Tajikistan. -
05 Dec 2013 | Project Document
Лоиҳаи барқарорсозии НБО Головная, 240-Мегаватт : Маълумот дар бораи лоиҳа
ADB's Public Communications Policy 2011 requires the translation of the project data sheet (PDS) for all loan, grant, and project preparatory technical assistance projects with concept papers approved after 2 April 2012. PDSs are translated into relevant national language(s) at key project milestones to ensure that relevant project information is provided to affected people and other interested stakeholders. This document dated December 2013 is provided for the ADB project 46418-001 in Tajikistan. -
31 Jul 2013 | Publication
Ҳикояҳо доир ба лоиҳаҳо дар Тоҷикистон: 15 соли ҳамкории Тоҷикистон ва БОР (1998–2013)
Дар таҷлили 15-умин солгарди фаъолиятҳояш дар Тоҷикистон, Бонки Осиёгии Рушд (БОР) ин маҷмӯи ҳикояҳоро ба табъ расонидааст, ки дар он баъзе лоиҳаҳои рушди дастгириёфта аз ҷониби БОР дар ин давра таъкид мешаванд.