Summary of Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors

Institutional Document | July 2018

This document summarizes the proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the ADB Board of Governors, held in Manila, Philippines from 3 to 6 May 2018.

The Honorable Carlos G. Dominguez, Secretary of Finance and Governor for the Philippines addressed the opening session on 5 May 2018, preceded by the President of the Asian Development Bank, Mr. Takehiko Nakao.

The Governor for the Philippines, the Honorable Carlos G. Dominguez, chaired the Meeting. The Governor for the Federated States of Micronesia, the Honorable Sihna N. Lawrence, and the Temporary Alternate Governor for Portugal, Ms. Ana Barreto, served as Vice-Chairs.


  • Introductory Note
  • Schedule of the Business Session
  • Opening Session
    • Opening Address by the ADB President
    • Opening Address by Governor Carlos G. Dominguez 
  • Business Sessions
    • Provisions Relating to the Conduct of Meeting
    • Agenda
    • Report of the Procedures Committee
    • Resolutions Adopted by the Board of Governors
    • Management's Report to the Board of Governors
    • Governors' Statements
    • Closing Address by the ADB President
  • Participants
    • Representation of Members
    • Other Members of the Governors’ Delegations
    • Observers
    • Board of Directors
    • ADB Principal Officers and Senior Staff

Additional Details

  • ADB administration and governance
  • 196
  • 8.5 x 11

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