29 Des 2020 | Institutional Document
Indonesia Energy Sector Assessment, Strategy, and Road Map – Update
This report provides an overview of Indonesia’s energy sector and a summary of Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) current and planned support.
15 Okt 2020 | Institutional Document
Indonesia: Country Operations Business Plan (2021-2023)
This is the first country operations business plan (COBP) under the country partnership strategy (CPS), 2020–2024 of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for Indonesia. Against the backdrop of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the lending assistance for 2021–2023 supports the overall goal of the CPS: achieving inclusive, competitive, and sustainable development in Indonesia. The goal will be achieved through three strategic pathways: (i) improving well-being, (ii) accelerating economic recovery, and (iii) strengthening resilience.
23 Sep 2020 | Institutional Document
Indonesia: Country Partnership Strategy (2020-2024)
This Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) defines ADB's strategic approach in Indonesia for 2020-2024.
18 Sep 2019 | Institutional Document
Indonesia: Country Operations Business Plan (2020-2022)
ADB's country operations business plan, 2020–2022 for Indonesia is consistent with its country partnership strategy 2016–2019, which focuses on infrastructure services, economic governance, and skills development.
30 Sep 2018 | Institutional Document
Indonesia: Country Operations Business Plan (2019-2021)
The country operations business plan (COBP), 2019–2021 of the Asian Development Bank for Indonesia is consistent with ADB’s country partnership strategy (CPS), 2016–2019 for Indonesia and the priorities of the Government of Indonesia under the National Medium-Term Development Plan , 2015–2019. It is broadly in line with the principles and operational priorities of ADB’s new Strategy 2030.
17 Okt 2017 | Institutional Document
Indonesia: Country Operations Business Plan (2018-2020)
The country operations and business plan (COBP) 2018–2020 of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for Indonesia is consistent with ADB’s country partnership strategy 2016–2019 for Indonesia and the priorities of the Government of Indonesia under the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN), 2015–2019.
03 Okt 2016 | Institutional Document
Indonesia: Amendments to Loan Agreements (Special Operations)
To implement the designation of eligible Asian Development Fund (ADF) loans as concessional ordinary capital resources (OCR) loans following the approval of the ADF-OCR merger by ADB's Board of Governors, it is necessary to amend the respective Legal Agreements.
This letter agreement effective 1 January 2017 applies to the ADF loans made by ADB to Indonesia, as referred to in this document dated 3 October 2016.
31 Agu 2016 | Institutional Document
Indonesia: Country Operations Business Plan (2017-2019)
This country operations business plan (COBP) is the first COBP of the country partnership strategy (CPS), 2016–2019 of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for Indonesia.
23 Agu 2016 | Institutional Document
Indonesia: Country Partnership Strategy (2016-2019)
This Country Partnership Strategy defines ADB's strategic approach in Indonesia for 2016–2019.
23 Agu 2016 | Institutional Document
Indonesia: Strategi Kemitraan Tingkat Negara (2016-2019)
Strategi Kemitraan Tingkat Negara (Country Partnership Strategy/CPS) 2016–2019 untuk Indonesia akan menyediakan program yang terfokus dan selektif dalam bentuk pinjaman dan dukungan pengetahuan. CPS ini merupakan tanggapan terhadap kebutuhan Indonesia dan prioritas pemerintah, serta dibangun berdasarkan bidang-bidang yang menjadi kompetensi kunci ADB. CPS ini memasukkan pembelajaran dari berbagai CPS sebelumnya, dan selaras dengan rekomendasi dalam kajian tengah waktu (midterm review) terhadap Strategi 2020 ADB.