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Maldives and ADB

Climate change is one of the biggest threats to Maldives. ADB supports the country in building resilience against climate and disaster impacts.

Maldives: Results of ADB-Supported Operations

Results achieved are aggregate amounts of contributions to 7 Operational Priorities of Strategy 2030 from operations reported in project completion reports, technical assistance completion reports, and extended annual review reports circulated for the year.

These results are also presented on the annual Development Effectiveness Review. The review covers all operations financed by ADB's ordinary capital resources and the Asian Development Fund, ADB's concessional lending window.

Maldives: Results of ADB-Supported Operations, 2010-2018

Indicator Achieved Result
Installed energy generation capacity (MW equivalent) 6
Indicator Achieved Result
Households with new or improved sanitation 571
Waste water treatment capacity added or improved (m3 per day) 595
Indicator Achieved Result
Small and medium-sized enterprise loan accounts opened or end borrowers reached 86
Indicator Achieved Result
Students educated and trained under improved quality assurance systems 5,829
Students educated and trained under improved quality assurance systems, Female 2,244
Students educated and trained under improved quality assurance systems, Male 3,585
Students educated and trained under improved quality assurance systems, TVET 5,829
Teachers trained with quality or competency standards 60
Teachers trained with quality or competency standards, Female 23
Teachers trained with quality or competency standards, Male 37
Teachers trained with quality or competency standards, TVET 60

Source: Asian Development Bank. 2018 Development Effectiveness Review (April 2019)

Note: Results achieved are aggregate amounts of outputs and outcomes from operations reported in project completion reports and extended annual review reports circulated for the year.

Sources: ADB project and/or program completion reports issued in 2010-2018, staff estimates, and ADB Strategy and Policy Department.

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2021 Development Effectiveness Review

Development Effectiveness Review

The annual Development Effectiveness Review assesses ADB's progress in implementing its long-term corporate results framework.

Development Effectiveness Review

Managing for Development Results

To help realize its vision of an Asia and the Pacific free of poverty, ADB is pursuing a deliberate, structured program of managing for development results.

ADB Results Framework

ADB Results Framework

The ADB Results Framework assesses overall development progress in Asia and the Pacific and ADB’s effectiveness in delivering development results.

Driving Results at ADB

Driving Results at ADB

ADB is pursuing a deliberate, structured program of managing for development results (MfDR). This program provides the process and tools needed to deliver optimal results and ensure transparency and accountability.