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Монгол Улсад сэргээгдэх эрчим хүчний халаалтын систем байгуулахад зориулан АХБ-наас буцалтгүй тусламж үзүүлнэ
Азийн Хөгжлийн Банк (АХБ) болон Монгол Улсын Засгийн газар Монгол орны алслагдмал бүс нутагт эрчим хүчний үр ашиг болон сэргээгдэх эрчим хүчний халаалтын системийг нэмэгдүүлэх зорилгоор 2 сая ам.долларын буцалтгүй...
ADB Approves $5 Million Grant to Develop Clean Energy Projects in FSM
ADB has approved a $5 million grant to help fund the preparation of ADB-supported clean energy projects in the Federated States of Micronesia.
ADB, Maldives Sign Grant and Technical Assistance to Strengthen Gender-Inclusive Initiatives and Social Services
ADB and the Government of Maldives signed a grant agreement amounting to $7.51 million and a technical assistance of $2.5 million for a project to strengthen gender equality and social inclusion in Maldives.
ADB Grant to Build Renewable Energy Heating Systems in Mongolia
The Asian Development Bank and the Government of Mongolia signed a $2 million grant to increase efficient and renewable energy heating systems in remote areas in Mongolia.
Pinjaman ADB Sejumlah $93 Juta untuk Sektor Budidaya Udang Indonesia
Asian Development Bank (ADB) telah menyetujui pinjaman senilai $93 juta untuk memajukan budidaya udang bagi peternak kecil di tujuh provinsi di Indonesia.
ADB Approves $93 Million Loan for Indonesia Shrimp Farming Sector
ADB has approved a $93 million loan to enhance shrimp farming by smallholder farmers in seven provinces in Indonesia.
ADB Supporting Cambodia’s Energy Transition Program
ADB has approved a sector development program, which combines a $50 million policy-based loan package with $23 million in project investments to support the energy transition of Cambodia.
ADB Approves $163 Million in Loans to Help Improve Aviation Safety in PNG
ADB and the Government of Papua New Guinea (PNG) today signed two loans to fund improvements to air services in PNG.
ADB Boosting Support for Cambodia’s Livestock Subsector to Enhance Food Security and Climate Resilience
ADB has approved a $62.9 million package to help Cambodia enhance food security and promote inclusive economic growth by improving livestock health and value chains, and the formal trade of livestock and livestock products.
ADB Approves $20 Million Financing to Improve Water Management and Resilience in Bhutan
ADB has approved a $20 million financing package to improve access to drinking water, irrigation services, and strengthening of climate resilience in Thimphu and the districts of Zhemgang and Wangdue Phodrang in Bhutan.
$100 Million ADB Project to Improve Skills Training in Pakistan
ADB has approved a $100 million loan to help improve technical and vocational education and training in Punjab province in Pakistan and ensure skills training meets the demand for jobs in the country’s priority economic sectors.
ADB, Solomon Islands Sign $10 Million Loan and Grant to Boost COVID-19 Recovery
ADB and the Government of Solomon Islands have signed concessional loan and grant agreements amounting to $10 million to help the recovery from COVID-19.
$50 Million ADB Grant to Strengthen Finance Sector and Fiscal Management in Tajikistan
ADB has approved a $50 million grant to help the Government of Tajikistan enhance banking sector stability, boost the nonbanking finance sector, and strengthen fiscal management.
Грант АБР в $50 миллионов для укрепления финансового сектора и фискального управления в Таджикистане
Азиатский банк развития (АБР) одобрил грант в размере 50 миллионов долларов США для оказания помощи Правительству Таджикистана в повышении стабильности банковского сектора, развитии небанковского финансового сектора...
ADB Approves Flood Assistance Package for Pakistan
A $554 million financing package, including new and reallocated funds, has been approved to support recovery and reconstruction efforts in Pakistan, following this year’s devastating floods.
ADB Dukung Pengembangan Kawasan Sains dan Teknologi di Indonesia
Asian Development Bank (ADB) telah menyetujui pinjaman senilai $138,52 juta untuk mendukung strategi Pemerintah Indonesia dalam komersialisasi riset dan inovasi, serta meningkatkan keberhasilan perusahaan rintisan...
ADB Supports Development of Science and Technology Parks in Indonesia
ADB has approved a loan equivalent of $138.52 million to support a Government of Indonesia strategy to commercialize research and development and improve start-up success at four science and technology parks in Indonesia.
ADB Provides Landmark Assistance to Cambodia’s Marine Fisheries Sector
ADB has approved a $73 million financing package to boost the climate resilience and sustainability of coastal and marine fisheries in Cambodia.
ADB Approves $780 Million Loan to Expand Rail Network in Chennai
ADB has approved a $780 million multitranche financing facility to build new lines and improve the connectivity of the Chennai metro rail system with the existing bus and feeder services in this capital city of Tamil Nadu.
ADB Approves $250 Million Loan to Strengthen Logistics Sector in India
ADB has approved a $250 million policy-based loan to support the Government of India’s wide-ranging reforms that aim to strengthen and modernize the country’s logistics infrastructure.