Policy Messages for Planning and Implementing High-Speed Rail in Asia

Publication | September 2022

High-speed rail’s capacity to accelerate regional development is driven by the non-linear, dynamic, technical, and social interactions in a high-speed rail system. 

High-speed rail’s (HSR) capacity to accelerate regional development is driven by the non-linear, dynamic, technical, and social interactions in an HSR system. To enable HSR project growth, policy makers must tackle complex issues, such as stakeholder engagement, safety, and cost and schedule overruns. A robust institutional framework that defines each stakeholder's role, the standards used, and coordination and conflict resolution mechanisms is critical.

Policy Messages for Planning and Implementing High-Speed Rail in Asia explores policy keys to boosting HSR technology, safety, and organizational governance and culture. Drawing on global case studies and lessons learned, the book showcases successful HSR development experiences and evidence-based recommendations for realizing project breakthroughs. It is an invaluable resource for policy makers, practitioners, and researchers seeking to promote the sector’s growth and sustainable development impacts in the region.

Additional Details

  • Transport
  • Urban development
  • ISBN 978-4-89974-263-0 (Print)
  • ISBN 978-4-89974-264-7 (PDF)

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