Policies, Strategies, and Plans
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Summary of the Analytical Study for the Safeguard Policy Review and Update: Safeguards for Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations and Small Island Developing States (Draft for Consultation)
This document summarizes the analytical study on Safeguards for Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations and Small Island Developing States. Views and comments on this consultation draft are welcome until 20 May 2022.
Краткое изложение аналитического исследования, подготовленного для пересмотра и обновления Политики защитных мер: экологические и социальные воздействия, и управление рисками (проект документа для консультаций)
В документе приводится краткое изложение аналитического исследования на тему экологических и социальных воздействий и управления рисками. Мнения и замечания к данному проекту документа для консультаций можно направлять до 10 мая 2022 г.
Ringkasan Studi Analitis untuk Tinjauan dan Pembaruan Kebijakan Upaya Perlindungan: Dampak Lingkungan Hidup dan Sosial dan Manajemen Risiko (Draft Konsultasi)
Dokumen ini merangkum studi analitis tentang Dampak Lingkungan Hidup dan Sosial dan Manajemen Risiko. Pendapat dan komentar tentang draf konsultasi ini dapat diterima hingga 10 Mei 2022.
सुरक्षा नीति समीक्षा और अपडेट के लिए विश्लेषणात्मक अध्ययन का सारांश: पर्यावरण और सामाजिक प्रभाव और जोखिम प्रबंधन (परामर्श के लिए मसौदा)
इस दस्तावेज़ में पर्यावरण और सामाजिक प्रभावों और जोखिम प्रबंधन पर विश्लेषणात्मक अध्ययन का सार प्रस्तुत है। इस परामर्श मसौदे पर विचारों और टिप्पणियों का 10 मई 2022 तक स्वागत है।
Summary of the Analytical Study for the Safeguard Policy Review and Update: Environmental and Social Impacts and Risks Management (Draft for Consultation)
This document summarizes the analytical study on Environmental and Social Impacts and Risks Management. Views and comments on this consultation draft are welcome until 10 May 2022.
Regional Cooperation and Integration Corporate Progress Report 2017–2020: ADB Support for Regional Cooperation and Integration across Asia and the Pacific during Unprecedented Challenge and Change
This report highlights the results of Asian Development Bank (ADB) operations to support regional cooperation and integration (RCI) completed during 2017–2020.
New Terms of Reference for the Office of the Auditor General
The Office of the Auditor General (OAG) fulfills the internal audit function of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and as such provides independent and objective assurance and advisory services designed to add value and improve ADB operations. The mission of internal audit is to enhance and protect organizational value by providing risk-based and objective assurance, advice, and insight.
CAREC Digital Strategy 2030: Accelerating Digital Transformation for Regional Competitiveness and Inclusive Growth
The Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Digital Strategy 2030 aims as a catalyst for regional cooperation on digital technologies among the program’s member countries.
Информационная записка, подготовленная в рамках пересмотра и обновления «Положения о политике защитных мер»: уроки Механизма подотчетности АБР
В настоящем документе обобщаются уроки, извлеченные из деятельности Механизма подотчетности АБР, а также предлагаются вопросы для рассмотрения в процессе обновления ППЗМ.