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Institutional/Corporate Procurement

ADB procures goods, works, and services for use in its headquarters and field offices to support its operations at competitive market prices using the most appropriate procurement method.

Institutional Procurement Notices

No notices currently.

NOTICE: ADB has been made aware of fake solicitation of bids using the domain name [@procurement-adb.org] which is NOT an ADB email address. Please beware of business scams using ADB's name. Read more >>

Institutional Procurement Resources

Standard terms and conditions of contracts

Standard Contract Terms and Conditions are used and must be signed by the supplier/contractor for all contracts for goods and services. See:

Standard terms and conditions of purchase order

Standard Purchase Order Terms and Conditions are used and must be signed by the vendor.

Standard instructions to bidders

This reference provides bidders and potential bidders with indicative information on what to expect during the bidding process.

Other resources