Pakistan: Sindh Secondary Education Improvement Project
The proposed Sindh Secondary Education Improvement Project (SSEIP) will support investments, institutional capacity building, and reforms in secondary education. The project is aligned with, and will support the implementation of, the SESP 2014-2018 (and subsequent SESP 2019-2023).
Project Details
Project Officer
Martin, Ma. Isabel J.
Central and West Asia Department
Request for information -
Pakistan -
- Education
Related Projects
Project Name | Sindh Secondary Education Improvement Project | ||||
Project Number | 51126-002 | ||||
Country / Economy | Pakistan |
Project Status | Active | ||||
Project Type / Modality of Assistance | Loan |
Source of Funding / Amount |
Strategic Agendas | Environmentally sustainable growth Inclusive economic growth |
Drivers of Change | Gender Equity and Mainstreaming Governance and capacity development Knowledge solutions Partnerships Private sector development |
Sector / Subsector | Education / Secondary |
Gender Equity and Mainstreaming | Gender equity | ||||
Description | The proposed Sindh Secondary Education Improvement Project (SSEIP) will support investments, institutional capacity building, and reforms in secondary education. The project is aligned with, and will support the implementation of, the SESP 2014-2018 (and subsequent SESP 2019-2023). |
Project Rationale and Linkage to Country/Regional Strategy | Education indicators for Pakistan are grim, with a low adult literacy rate, low expected years of schooling, as well as considerable challenges in terms of access and quality of learning. Educational challenges in Sindh are more acute than in Pakistan generally. They include limited access to education, poor quality education, and weak education governance and management. The performance of the education sector is weak in Sindh, especially at the secondary education level. At least 4.9 million 1016 year olds are out of school in Sindh. Sindh's grade 9 and 10 net enrolment rate, at 25%, is significantly lower than the average of 62% for lower middle income countries. Fully 31% of grade 5 public school students drop out before middle school. There are wide disparities in access to schooling across gender, geography, and socio-economic quintiles in Sindh. The net enrolment rate for girls at the lower secondary level was 20% in 2015 nine percentage points below that for boys, while the gap in literacy rate for girls and boys aged 1524 was 17 percentage points. Public girls' schools make up just 33% of all public high schools in the province. The project will support the strengthening of inclusive growth, which is a key objective of ADB''s country partnership strategy 2015-2019. The SSEIP is in the draft Pakistan country operations business plan 2018-2020 as a firm 2018 program. |
Impact | Inclusive and equitable quality education for all ensured (Sustainable Development Goal 4)a |
Project Outcome | |
Description of Outcome | Inclusiveness of secondary education system in Sindh increased |
Progress Toward Outcome | |
Implementation Progress | |
Description of Project Outputs | New secondary school blocks constructed, and operated under EMO program Teaching capacity in five key subjects improved Secondary education examination system strengthened |
Status of Implementation Progress (Outputs, Activities, and Issues) | |
Geographical Location | Nation-wide |
Safeguard Categories | |
Environment | B |
Involuntary Resettlement | B |
Indigenous Peoples | C |
Summary of Environmental and Social Aspects | |
Environmental Aspects | An environmental assessment review framework (EARF) has been prepared to guide SELD-PIU on screening, assessment and preparation of environmental checklists for project schools sites, including site specific baseline conditions and specific environmental management plan (EMP) provisions to address potential short-term impacts from project civil works. The government and ADB endorsed EARF has been disclosed. Contractors will be supervised and monitored on a daily basis to ensure compliance with the requirements of the initial environmental examination and EMPs. Monitoring results will be compiled by the contractors and presented to the construction supervision consultants in monthly project progress reports. Besides, the environmental safeguards compliance will be reviewed and monitored periodically, and semi-annual environmental monitoring reports will be prepared and submitted by PIU to ADB for its review acceptance and disclosure. Such semi-annual monitoring reports will be made available to ADB within thirty days from the end date of each reporting period. The semi-annual environmental monitoring reports will include, inter alia, a review of progress made on the implementation of the EMP provisions, grievance redress mechanism and consultations carried out during execution of works as well as issues encountered during execution of works with remedial/corrective measures actions adopted and implemented at site. |
Involuntary Resettlement | The project civil works are to be implemented within the compound of existing school sites and acquisition of additional land is unlikely. However, at some school sites, resettlement related impacts may emerge due to third-party land use (formal or informal) of existing school land by the local community. Following the finalization of the school sites and detailed design of the school buildings, each school will be screened for land availability and IR impacts outlined in the resettlement framework. A social due diligence report (SDDR), including screening and assessment checklists for all 160 project school sites, will be prepared and included as a condition for award of civil works contracts. SDDRs based on the number of civil work contract packages for the districts covered under the project will be prepared. SDDRs will be submitted to ADB for review and will be disclosed in both the ADB and SELD websites. ADB funds will not be used to finance resettlement and land acquisition. The preparation of SDDRs and monitoring of project implementation including emerging land acquisition and resettlement (LAR) issues will be funded under the loan. SELD will need to provide the funds for resettlement and land acquisition as part of their counterpart funds. A Resettlement Framework (RF) including procedures and provisions to be followed for screening, identification and assessment of potential IR impacts and guide the EA on measures needed to address any emerging LAR issues during project implementation has been finalized for the project to ensure compliance with ADB's IR safeguard requirements of SPS 2009. The government endorsed and ADB accepted RF will be disclosed. If IR impacts on third-party land users are identified on some of the project site, a resettlement plan endorsed by the government and accepted by ADB will be prepared before award of civil works. Commencement of works in contract packages with IR impacts will be conditional to the full implementation of the RRP. Social safeguards compliance will be reviewed and monitored regularly through PIU Safeguards staff assisted by safeguards experts mobilized through project implementation and supervision consultants. The monitoring results will be compiled and reported as periodic social monitoring reports to be submitted semi-annually by the implementation consultant's and PIU's staff for EA's and ADB's review and acceptance. Semi-annual social monitoring reports will be made available within thirty days from the end date of each reporting period and accepted semiannual social monitoring reports will be disclosed on EA's and ADB's web site. ADB's no-objection to the commencement of civil works for project school sites (if any) with IR impacts will be conditional to ADB's review of the RP monitoring report confirming completion of the compensation payment and delivery of other entitlements. Since, it is likely that the RP completion could be achieved before or after due date for the periodic social monitoring report, so to confirm RP implementation special monitoring report focused on RP payment progress can be required and submitted as and when RP implementation is deemed complete |
Indigenous Peoples | The project is screened as category C project for Indigenous peoples planning requirement under SPS 2009 and EA shall ensure that project school sites financed under the loan do not have any indigenous peoples' impacts within the meaning of the Safeguard Policy Statement (2009). And if during detailed design stage or implementation of the project or consequent to any change of site and scope any impacts are identified to the indigenous people, EA shall take all steps and measures to avoid impacts to IPS and ensure that the project complies with the applicable laws and regulations of Pakistan and the ADB's Safeguard Policy Statement 2009. |
Stakeholder Communication, Participation, and Consultation | |
During Project Design | |
During Project Implementation | In compliance with the minimum requirements of ADB's Public Communications Policy (2011), the PIU will be responsible for: (i) designating a focal point for regular contact with people affected by the project and other stakeholders; (ii) identifying mechanisms for feedback during design and implementation; (iii) identifying details of types of information to be disclosed, and mechanisms for public notice including language and timing; and (iv) implementing and monitoring disclosure and dissemination. The PIU will liaise with SELD and other related agencies in order to coordinate project implementation. The PIU will coordinate with the SELD District Education Offices in project districts to direct, monitor and acquire feedback for smooth project implementation. The Taluka and District Education Offices in each project district will support the PIU in the implementation of project activities. Three formal workshops (inception, mid-term and final) will be organized to provide information to and collection input from stakeholders. For each program, activity workshops are planned to introduce the activity and seek cooperation from stakeholders. ADB will organize visits from ADB board members, VP01/DG, PRM CD and CWSS director to project schools and districts, particularly when certain milestones are reached such as at inauguration of newly constructed school blocks. Project documents will be disclosed on the ADB's and/or SELD's website. |
Business Opportunities | |
Consulting Services | All individual consultants and firms will be recruited in accordance with ADB's Procurement Regulations for ADB Borrowers: Goods, Works, Nonconsulting and Consulting Services (2017, as amended from time to time). As of 29 April 2021, 4 key PIU staff (Project Manager, chief proc spec, admin officer and FM) have been recruited. The other 4 PIU staff (gender, environment, community mobilization and M&E) ae expected to start work in Q2 2021. The teacher training firm EOIs are expected to be evaluated in May 2021. Design firm's proposals have been received. All recruitments are pending awaiting finalization of CSC members. As of 29 Jul 2021: PIU M&E and Environment have been engaged and will start work in August 2021. Gender and Community Mobilization PIU will have to be advertised again, the selected consultants refused to accept the offers. PIU Engineer, Teacher training will be advertised in the first/second wk of August 2021, together with PIU Gender and Community Mobilization and International FM specialist. Design and construction supervision firm submission 2 received for ADB review and no-objection. The firm is expected to be mobilized by September 2021. Teacher Training & Assessment firm's RFP was issued on 16 Jul,, deadline for submission of technical proposals on 30 August. Update as of 4 Nov 2021: The design and supervision firm is expected to be mobilized by end Nov-Dec 2021. The contract negs took place on 2 Nov 2021. "2 PIU staff EOIs (Gender & Community Mobilization Specialists) have been evaluated and candidates have been interviewed. Expect that PIU staff commence work by end Nov 2021. . "Evaluation of tech. proposals for Teacher Training & Assessment Firm is on going and expected to send to ADB the submission 2 document for ADB review in the week of 8 Nov 2021. "EOIs for 2 PIU positions (Engineer and Teacher Training Specialist) have been advertised and deadline for submission of EOIs on 8 Nov 2021. Update as of 26 Jan 2022: The contract for design and supervision firm was signed in Dec 2021. The teacher training and assessment firm (TTAF) financial proposals have been opened, awaiting overall ranking. It is expected that the firm will be mobilized by end Feb/early Mar 2022. Internal audit firm's TORs have been reviewed by PRM FM focal, changes sent to PIU. Expected to be advertised in Q1 2022 Update as of 2 May 2022: TTAF draft contract agreement forwarded to ADB for review, comments shall be sent to PIU. Evaluation of Internal Audit firm's EOIs is ongoing Update as of July 2022: Contract for TTAF was awarded to MSL, contract signed in the amount of approx $1.5m Update as of Oct 2022: PIU Chief Teacher Training recruitment for finalization. Shortlisting of remaining PIU staff positions has been finalized pending interview. (community mobilization, gender, engineer). Internal audit firm RFP issued to first ranked audit firm. |
Procurement | Update as of 29 Apr 2021: PIU Furniture has been procured and delivered. PIU office equipment is expected to be procured and delivered in Q2 2021 Update as of 29 Jul 2021: Air conditioners, generators for PIU use have been awarded. RFQ for PIU office equipment will be re-tendered. All bids received were rejected. Update as of 4 Nov 2021: G02 (A)Supply of Office Equipment (Air-Conditioners) for PIU-SSEIP: This contract has been awarded. Contract Agreement with supplier was signed on 30-06-21. Air-conditions installed in PIU Office in August-21. G02 (C) Supply of Office Equipment (Power Generator) for PIU-SSEIP: This Contract has been awarded. Contract Agreement with supplier was signed on 30-06-21. Power Generator installed in PIU office in August-21. RFQG-02 (IT & Allied Equipment) was re-tendered as the suppliers refused to extend the validity. Update as of 26 Jan 2022: RFQG-02 (IT & Allied Equipment) was awarded in Nov 2021 for PIU use. Update as of 2 May 2022: 1 double cabin and 2 units sedan (for PIU use) has been awarded to Toyota. Audio Visual eqpt awarded. Bid docs for OMR machines (for BISE) has been forwarded to ADB for review, prior to advertisement Update as of July 2022: OMR machines advertised, deadline for submission of bids on 18 August 2022. Awaiting bid docs for SEF lab equipment for review prior to advertisement Update as of Oct 2022: FInal OMRS BER awaited from PIU for review of ADB. Lab equipment bids have been submitted and opened, awtg BER. |
Responsible ADB Officer | Martin, Ma. Isabel J. |
Responsible ADB Department | Central and West Asia Department |
Responsible ADB Division | CWSS |
Executing Agencies |
School Education and Literacy Department, Government of Sindh |
Timetable | |
Concept Clearance | 27 Oct 2017 |
Fact Finding | 28 May 2018 to 11 Jun 2018 |
MRM | 10 Aug 2018 |
Approval | 25 Oct 2019 |
Last Review Mission | - |
Last PDS Update | 22 Jul 2020 |
Loan 3845-PAK
Milestones | |||||
Approval | Signing Date | Effectivity Date | Closing | ||
Original | Revised | Actual | |||
25 Oct 2019 | 19 Jun 2020 | 04 Aug 2020 | 30 Jun 2026 | - | - |
Financing Plan | Loan Utilization | ||||
Total (Amount in US$ million) | Date | ADB | Others | Net Percentage | |
Project Cost | 82.50 | Cumulative Contract Awards | |||
ADB | 75.00 | 23 Jan 2023 | 4.40 | 0.00 | 6% |
Counterpart | 7.50 | Cumulative Disbursements | |||
Cofinancing | 0.00 | 23 Jan 2023 | 1.40 | 0.00 | 2% |
Status of Covenants | ||||||
Category | Sector | Safeguards | Social | Financial | Economic | Others |
Rating | - | Satisfactory | - | - | - | Unsatisfactory |
Project Data Sheets (PDS) contain summary information on the project or program. Because the PDS is a work in progress, some information may not be included in its initial version but will be added as it becomes available. Information about proposed projects is tentative and indicative.
The Access to Information Policy (AIP) recognizes that transparency and accountability are essential to development effectiveness. It establishes the disclosure requirements for documents and information ADB produces or requires to be produced.
The Accountability Mechanism provides a forum where people adversely affected by ADB-assisted projects can voice and seek solutions to their problems and report alleged noncompliance of ADB's operational policies and procedures.
In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of, or reference to, a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.
Safeguard Documents See also: Safeguards
Safeguard documents provided at the time of project/facility approval may also be found in the list of linked documents provided with the Report and Recommendation of the President.
Title | Document Type | Document Date |
Sindh Secondary Education Improvement Project: Environmental Monitoring Report (January-June 2022) | Environmental Monitoring Reports | Nov 2022 |
Sindh Secondary Education Improvement Project: Social Monitoring Report (January-June 2022) | Social Monitoring Reports | Jul 2022 |
Sindh Secondary Education Improvement Project: Environmental Monitoring Report (July-December 2021) | Environmental Monitoring Reports | Mar 2022 |
Sindh Secondary Education Improvement Project: Social Monitoring Report (August-December 2021) | Social Monitoring Reports | Feb 2022 |
Evaluation Documents See also: Independent Evaluation
None currently available.
Related Publications
None currently available.
The Access to Information Policy (AIP) establishes the disclosure requirements for documents and information ADB produces or requires to be produced in its operations to facilitate stakeholder participation in ADB's decision-making. For more information, refer to the Safeguard Policy Statement, Operations Manual F1, and Operations Manual L3.
Requests for information may also be directed to the InfoUnit.
Signing Ceremony for ADB $75 Million Loan to Pakistan for Sindh Education Project
ADB and the Government of Pakistan yesterday signed the agreement for a $75 million loan for the Sindh Secondary Education Improvement Project, approved by ADB on 25 October 2019. -
ADB Project to Enhance Secondary Education in Sindh, Pakistan
ADB has approved a $75 million loan for a project that will help improve the quality, accessibility, and gender responsiveness of the secondary education system and infrastructure in the province of Sindh in Pakistan.
Tender Title | Type | Status | Posting Date | Deadline |
Project Manager | Individual - Consulting | Closed | 24 Dec 2022 | 10 Jan 2023 |
ADB Loan No. 3845-PAK: Sindh Secondary Education Improvement Project [OCB-Goods/SSEIP-G07] | Invitation for Bids | Closed | 31 Aug 2022 | 19 Oct 2022 |
ADB Loan No. 3845-PAK: Sindh Secondary Education Improvement Project [Package: OCB-Goods/SSEIP-G06] | Invitation for Bids | Closed | 01 Jul 2022 | 18 Aug 2022 |
Internal Audit Firm | Firm - Consulting | Closed | 16 Mar 2022 | 14 Apr 2022 |
Procurement Specialist | Individual - Consulting | Closed | 11 Feb 2022 | 28 Feb 2022 |
Communication and Community Mobilization Specialist | Individual - Consulting | Closed | 27 Nov 2021 | 08 Dec 2021 |
Social and Gender Specialist | Individual - Consulting | Closed | 27 Nov 2021 | 08 Dec 2021 |
Financial Management and Capacity Development Specialist | Individual - Consulting | Closed | 25 Oct 2021 | 08 Nov 2021 |
Chief Teacher's Training and Examination Reform Specialist | Individual - Consulting | Closed | 23 Oct 2021 | 08 Nov 2021 |
PIU Engineer | Individual - Consulting | Closed | 23 Oct 2021 | 08 Nov 2021 |
Communication and Community Mobilization Specialist | Individual - Consulting | Closed | 07 Mar 2021 | 26 Mar 2021 |
Chief Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist | Individual - Consulting | Closed | 07 Mar 2021 | 26 Mar 2021 |
Environment and Social Safeguard Specialist | Individual - Consulting | Closed | 07 Mar 2021 | 26 Mar 2021 |
Social and Gender Specialist | Individual - Consulting | Closed | 07 Mar 2021 | 26 Mar 2021 |
Teachers Training and Assessment Firm (TTAF) | Firm - Consulting | Closed | 26 Oct 2020 | 27 Nov 2020 |
PIU Administration Head | Individual - Consulting | Closed | 26 Aug 2020 | 08 Sep 2020 |
PIU Project Manager | Individual - Consulting | Closed | 26 Aug 2020 | 08 Sep 2020 |
Architectural Design and Construction Supervision firm | Firm - Consulting | Closed | 26 Aug 2020 | 05 Oct 2020 |
PIU Chief Procurement Specialist | Individual - Consulting | Closed | 26 Aug 2020 | 08 Sep 2020 |
PIU Chief Financial Management Specialist | Individual - Consulting | Closed | 26 Aug 2020 | 08 Sep 2020 |
Contracts Awarded
Contract Title | Approval Number | Contract Date | Contractor | Address | Executing Agency | Total Contract Amount (US$) | Contract Amount Financed by ADB (US$) |
Teacher Training & Assessment Firm | Loan 3845 | 27 Jul 2022 | Maxwell Stamp Limited - MSL (Bangladesh) | House No. 2 (Ground Floor), Road No 119 Gulshan 2, Dhaka 1212 Bangladesh | School Education & Literacy Dep't, Gov't of Sindh | 1,550,834.92 | 1,550,834.92 |
Architectural Design | Loan 3845 | 31 Dec 2021 | Engineering Consultants International (Pvt.) Limited - ECIL | Pakistan | School Education & Literacy Dep't,Gov't of Sindh | 656,248.22 | 656,248.22 |
Construction Supervision | Loan 3845 | 31 Dec 2021 | Engineering Consultants International (Pvt.) Limited - ECIL | Pakistan | School Education & Literacy Dep't,Gov't of Sindh | 1,824,291.76 | 1,824,291.76 |
Procurement Plan
Title | Document Type | Document Date |
Sindh Secondary Education Improvement Project: Procurement Plan | Procurement Plans | Jan 2021 |