Sri Lanka: Expressway Connectivity Investment Program - Facility

Sovereign Project | 46374-002

The proposed investment program will improve the efficiency of road network in the south region of Sri Lanka to handle the fast growing travel demand incurred by the economic and social activities. In order to address the bottlenecks of national road network in Southern and Westen Provinces, the investment program will (i) rehabilitate about 35 kilometers of national highways providing access to the southern expressway, (ii) extend the southern expressway by constructing about 40 kilometers of elevated expressway towards the origins and destinations of traffic in Western Province, and (iii) improve the efficiency of the Ministry of Ports and Highways to operate the expressway network and the associated facilities. The proposed investment program, together with the earlier Southern Transport Development Project will lay the foundations for modernizing the country's transport sector.

Project Details

  • Project Officer
    Nakai, Kanzo
    South Asia Department
    Request for information
  • Country/Economy
    Sri Lanka
  • Modality
    • Loan
    • Technical Assistance
  • Sector
    • Transport
Project Name Expressway Connectivity Investment Program - Facility
Project Number 46374-002
Country / Economy Sri Lanka
Project Status Proposed
Project Type / Modality of Assistance Loan
Technical Assistance
Source of Funding / Amount
MFF Facility Concept: Expressway Connectivity Investment Program - Facility
Ordinary capital resources US$ 494.00 million
Concessional ordinary capital resources lending US$ 6.00 million
TA: Capacity Development for Expressway
Technical Assistance Special Fund US$ 1.00 million
Strategic Agendas Inclusive economic growth
Drivers of Change
Sector / Subsector

Transport / Road transport (non-urban)

Gender Equity and Mainstreaming
Description The proposed investment program will improve the efficiency of road network in the south region of Sri Lanka to handle the fast growing travel demand incurred by the economic and social activities. In order to address the bottlenecks of national road network in Southern and Westen Provinces, the investment program will (i) rehabilitate about 35 kilometers of national highways providing access to the southern expressway, (ii) extend the southern expressway by constructing about 40 kilometers of elevated expressway towards the origins and destinations of traffic in Western Province, and (iii) improve the efficiency of the Ministry of Ports and Highways to operate the expressway network and the associated facilities. The proposed investment program, together with the earlier Southern Transport Development Project will lay the foundations for modernizing the country's transport sector.
Project Rationale and Linkage to Country/Regional Strategy

The development and operation of Southern Expressway is re-defining the profile of Sri Lanka's road transport. Prior to the era of Southern Expressway, the road transport is characterized by low capacity road network, poor road conditions, and slow traffic speeds. With the opening of Southern Expressway, the government is on the way to establish a trunk road network comprising well-connected expressways and national roads, which can adequately support the movement of people and goods for economic development. Despite the success of Southern Expressway, its envisaged benefirs have not been reached optimally due to (i) the relatively long distance to Colombo City, with is the main passenger and freight traffic origin and destination, (ii) the poor condition of feeder roads, and (iii) the limited capacity of expressway operation.

The investment program is in line with the government's sector objective: establishing a modern transport system that will enable acceleration of economic growth, with reduced travel time, cost, and improved safety. As agreed between the government and ADB in ADB's country partnership strategy 2012-2016, ADB will contribute to the sector outcome of improved nationawide connectivity for the movement of people and goods. The proposed investment program is originally included in the country operations business plan, 2012-2014, as Transport Sector Development Facility.


Efficient road transport in south region


High capacity road network developed along the traffic corridor in south region.


Expanded physical road infrastructure (expressway and national highways).

Improved efficiency of road agencies (MOPH and RDA) for expressway operation.

Geographical Location
Summary of Environmental and Social Aspects
Environmental Aspects
Involuntary Resettlement
Indigenous Peoples
Stakeholder Communication, Participation, and Consultation
During Project Design
During Project Implementation
Responsible ADB Officer Nakai, Kanzo
Responsible ADB Department South Asia Department
Responsible ADB Division Transport and Communications Division, SARD
Concept Clearance 05 Dec 2012
Fact Finding -
Approval -
Last Review Mission -
Last PDS Update 01 Oct 2019

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