Maldives: Strengthening Gender Inclusive Initiatives Project

Sovereign Project | 54373-001

The Strengthening Gender Inclusive Initiatives Project aims to increase access to sustainable gender-responsive social services in Maldives by (i) improving gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) statistics; (ii) integrating gender-responsive budgeting (GRB) into government systems; (iii) strengthening the capacity of the social service system for aged care, early childcare, and domestic violence and gender-based violence (DV/GBV) services; (iv) establishing partnerships to support DV/GBV prevention, access to DV/GBV services, and aged care; and (v) constructing three climate-resilient shelters for DV/GBV survivors in Addu, Hulhumale, and Raa-Ungoofaaru. The project and attached TA will benefit women DV/GBV survivors and their dependent children and reduce the unpaid care burden on women caring for older family members and young children.

Project Details

  • Project Officer
    Liau, Charlene
    South Asia Department
    Request for information
  • Country/Economy
  • Sector
    • Water and other urban infrastructure and services
Project Name Strengthening Gender Inclusive Initiatives Project
Project Number 54373-001
Country / Economy Maldives
Project Status Active
Project Type / Modality of Assistance Grant
Technical Assistance
Source of Funding / Amount
Grant 0867-MLD: Strengthening Gender Inclusive Initiatives Project
Asian Development Fund US$ 7.51 million
TA 10006-MLD: Capacity Building for the Strengthening Gender Inclusive Initiatives Project
Technical Assistance Special Fund US$ 500,000.00
Japan Special Fund US$ 2.00 million
Strategic Agendas Environmentally sustainable growth
Inclusive economic growth
Drivers of Change Gender Equity and Mainstreaming
Governance and capacity development
Knowledge solutions
Sector / Subsector

Water and other urban infrastructure and services / Other urban services

Gender Equity and Mainstreaming Gender equity
Description The Strengthening Gender Inclusive Initiatives Project aims to increase access to sustainable gender-responsive social services in Maldives by (i) improving gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) statistics; (ii) integrating gender-responsive budgeting (GRB) into government systems; (iii) strengthening the capacity of the social service system for aged care, early childcare, and domestic violence and gender-based violence (DV/GBV) services; (iv) establishing partnerships to support DV/GBV prevention, access to DV/GBV services, and aged care; and (v) constructing three climate-resilient shelters for DV/GBV survivors in Addu, Hulhumale, and Raa-Ungoofaaru. The project and attached TA will benefit women DV/GBV survivors and their dependent children and reduce the unpaid care burden on women caring for older family members and young children.
Project Rationale and Linkage to Country/Regional Strategy The project is aligned with Strategy 2030 of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), particularly operational priority 2 on accelerating progress of gender equality and operational priority 1 on reducing inequalities. It will support the first objective of ADB's country partnership strategy, 2020-2024 for Maldives on improving the quality and efficiency of public services by sharpening its approach to gender equality; and the crosscutting theme on gender. It supports the SDG 5 transformative gender agenda to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, particularly SDGs 5.2, 5.4, and 5.5. The project will strengthen government institutional capacity to implement its GESI policy commitments to DV/GBV survivors and to increase women and girl's economic and social participation.

Gender-based violence minimized and gender-related barriers preventing equal rights, participation, and benefits for women in social and economic spheres eliminated

Project Outcome
Description of Outcome

Increased access to sustainable gender-responsive social services

Progress Toward Outcome
Implementation Progress
Description of Project Outputs

Solutions for improved availability and use of quality GESI statistics established

GRB integrated into government planning and budgeting systems

Capacity of the social service system strengthened for aged care, early childcare, and DV/GBV services

Partnerships to support DV/GBV prevention, access to DV/GBV services and aged care established

Climate-resilient shelters for DV/GBV survivors established

Status of Implementation Progress (Outputs, Activities, and Issues)
Geographical Location Male
Safeguard Categories
Environment B
Involuntary Resettlement C
Indigenous Peoples C
Summary of Environmental and Social Aspects
Environmental Aspects
Involuntary Resettlement
Indigenous Peoples
Stakeholder Communication, Participation, and Consultation
During Project Design
During Project Implementation
Business Opportunities
Consulting Services Procurement of civil works and goods will be undertaken in conformity with the ADB Procurement Policy (2017, as amended from time to time) and the Procurement Regulations for ADB Borrowers (2017, as amended from time to time).
Procurement Procurement of civil works and goods will be undertaken in conformity with the ADB Procurement Policy (2017, as amended from time to time) and the Procurement Regulations for ADB Borrowers (2017, as amended from time to time).
Responsible ADB Officer Liau, Charlene
Responsible ADB Department South Asia Department
Responsible ADB Division Urban Development and Water Division, SARD
Executing Agencies
Ministry of Finance (formerly Ministry of Finance and Treasury)
Concept Clearance 14 Jan 2021
Fact Finding 29 Jun 2022 to 29 Jun 2022
MRM 10 Oct 2022
Approval 02 Dec 2022
Last Review Mission -
Last PDS Update 06 Dec 2022

Grant 0867-MLD

Approval Signing Date Effectivity Date Closing
Original Revised Actual
02 Dec 2022 21 Dec 2022 - 31 Jul 2028 - -
Financing Plan Grant Utilization
Total (Amount in US$ million) Date ADB Others Net Percentage
Project Cost 8.44 Cumulative Contract Awards
ADB 7.51 28 Dec 2022 0.00 0.00 0%
Counterpart 0.93 Cumulative Disbursements
Cofinancing 0.00 28 Dec 2022 0.00 0.00 0%

TA 10006-MLD

Approval Signing Date Effectivity Date Closing
Original Revised Actual
02 Dec 2022 21 Dec 2022 21 Dec 2022 31 Jan 2028 - -
Financing Plan/TA Utilization Cumulative Disbursements
ADB Cofinancing Counterpart Total Date Amount
Gov Beneficiaries Project Sponsor Others
2,500,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,500,000.00 28 Dec 2022 0.00

Project Data Sheets (PDS) contain summary information on the project or program. Because the PDS is a work in progress, some information may not be included in its initial version but will be added as it becomes available. Information about proposed projects is tentative and indicative.

The Access to Information Policy (AIP) recognizes that transparency and accountability are essential to development effectiveness. It establishes the disclosure requirements for documents and information ADB produces or requires to be produced.

The Accountability Mechanism provides a forum where people adversely affected by ADB-assisted projects can voice and seek solutions to their problems and report alleged noncompliance of ADB's operational policies and procedures.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of, or reference to, a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Safeguard Documents See also: Safeguards
Safeguard documents provided at the time of project/facility approval may also be found in the list of linked documents provided with the Report and Recommendation of the President.

Evaluation Documents See also: Independent Evaluation

None currently available.

Related Publications

None currently available.

The Access to Information Policy (AIP) establishes the disclosure requirements for documents and information ADB produces or requires to be produced in its operations to facilitate stakeholder participation in ADB's decision-making. For more information, refer to the Safeguard Policy Statement, Operations Manual F1, and Operations Manual L3.

Requests for information may also be directed to the InfoUnit.


Tender Title Type Status Posting Date Deadline
Strengthening Gender Inclusive Initiatives Project - Consultant Firm for Social Sector Strengthening Firm - Consulting Active 09 Jan 2023 05 Feb 2023

Contracts Awarded

No contracts awarded for this project were found

Procurement Plan