Bangladesh: Supporting Fourth Primary Education Development Program-Additional Financing

Sovereign Project | 50192-004

Loan 3714 BAN: Supporting Fourth Primary Education Development Program (PEDP4) was approved by ADB on 27 September 2018, with a concessional loan of $500 million from ADB's ordinary capital resources and became effective on 13 November 2018. The current loan closing date is 31 January 2024. The Government of Bangladesh, ADB, and four other development partners jointly finance the program via a sector-wide approach.1 The outcome of the program is improved quality and equity of primary education for all children from pre-primary to grade 5. The outputs are (i) improved quality of primary education, (ii) enhanced access and participation to primary education, and (iii) improved governance and management of primary education system.

Project Name Supporting Fourth Primary Education Development Program-Additional Financing
Project Number 50192-004
Country / Economy Bangladesh
Project Status Proposed
Project Type / Modality of Assistance Grant
Source of Funding / Amount
Strategic Agendas Inclusive economic growth
Drivers of Change Gender Equity and Mainstreaming
Governance and capacity development
Sector / Subsector

Education / Education sector development - Pre-primary and primary

Gender Equity and Mainstreaming Effective gender mainstreaming

Loan 3714 BAN: Supporting Fourth Primary Education Development Program (PEDP4) was approved by ADB on 27 September 2018, with a concessional loan of $500 million from ADB's ordinary capital resources and became effective on 13 November 2018. The current loan closing date is 31 January 2024. The Government of Bangladesh, ADB, and four other development partners jointly finance the program via a sector-wide approach.1 The outcome of the program is improved quality and equity of primary education for all children from pre-primary to grade 5. The outputs are (i) improved quality of primary education, (ii) enhanced access and participation to primary education, and (iii) improved governance and management of primary education system.

PEDP4 is a results-based lending program. Disbursement of loan proceeds under PEDP4 is conditional on the government achieving annual disbursement-linked indicators (DLIs) verified by an independent agency. The Ministry of Primary and Mass Education (MOPME) is the executing agency, and the Directorate of Primary Education (DPE) is the implementing agency. The Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division of the Ministry of Planning has been identified as the independent verification agency.

he scope of the proposed $12.4 million grant financing supports the ongoing program's DLI 6, which is on education opportunities for OOSC, under program Output 2. The target of the DLI is to enroll 650,000 OOSC between the age of 8 and 14 into schools or learning centers (with 60% retention rate) that will help them attain primary education learning competencies. The sub-indicator for year 1 was achieved with linked disbursement completed. The proposed additional financing is for the remaining four sub-indicators in accordance with the current program.

Project Rationale and Linkage to Country/Regional Strategy The proposed additional financing is to address the unexpected challenges of COVID-19. The increased number of OOSC implies higher demand for providing education services for OOSC. Moreover, as the operation of learning centers for providing education to OOSC has been severely disrupted by the pandemic, and the current global economic downturn with high inflation puts pressure on the Bangladesh economy, the cost of engaging and retaining OOSC is increasing. The additional grant financing will reduce the cost of financing for providing education services to OOSC and helps to address the rising costs for engaging OOSC. This also brings synergies by blending ADB loans and non-traditional cofinanciers to make the support attractive to our developing member countries (DMCs) in an area that will yield high socioeconomic returns. EAA is ADB's non-traditional development partner and the first private foundation to cofinance results-based financing programs in the education sector. ADB and EAA signed the framework partnership agreement in June 2020 to jointly support OOSC in ADB's DMCs. This provides additional value of ADB's financing to the ongoing program and provides timely and innovative response to meet the rising needs during the pandemic, which was not envisaged when the program was designed.

Human capital formation strengthened (Bangladesh Seventh-Five Year Plan FY2016-FY2020)


Quality and equity of primary education improved for all children from pre-primary to grade 5


Quality of primary education improved

Access and participation to primary education enhanced

Governance and management or primary education system improved

Geographical Location Nation-wide
Safeguard Categories
Environment C
Involuntary Resettlement C
Indigenous Peoples B
Summary of Environmental and Social Aspects
Environmental Aspects
Involuntary Resettlement
Indigenous Peoples
Stakeholder Communication, Participation, and Consultation
During Project Design
During Project Implementation
Business Opportunities
Consulting Services Consultant recruitment is expected under technical assistance
Procurement procurement of goods that require international procurement
Responsible ADB Officer Li, Zhigang
Responsible ADB Department South Asia Department
Responsible ADB Division Human and Social Development Division, SARD
Executing Agencies
Ministry of Primary and Mass Education
Concept Clearance 28 Jul 2022
Fact Finding 18 Feb 2022 to 18 Feb 2022
MRM 02 Apr 2022
Approval -
Last Review Mission -
Last PDS Update 29 Jul 2022

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Safeguard Documents See also: Safeguards
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Evaluation Documents See also: Independent Evaluation

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