China, People's Republic of: Shanxi Technical and Vocational Education and Training Demonstration for Green Growth Project

Sovereign Project | 51382-001

Project Name Shanxi Technical and Vocational Education and Training Demonstration for Green Growth Project
Project Number 51382-001
Country / Economy China, People's Republic of
Project Status Proposed
Project Type / Modality of Assistance Loan
Source of Funding / Amount
Loan: Shanxi Technical and Vocational Education and Training Demonstration for Green Growth Project
Ordinary capital resources US$ 100.00 million
Strategic Agendas Environmentally sustainable growth
Inclusive economic growth
Drivers of Change Gender Equity and Mainstreaming
Governance and capacity development
Knowledge solutions
Private sector development
Sector / Subsector

Agriculture, natural resources and rural development / Agro-industry, marketing, and trade - Livestock

Education / Technical and vocational education and training

Industry and trade / Small and medium enterprise development

Information and communication technology / ICT industries and ICT-enabled services

Gender Equity and Mainstreaming Effective gender mainstreaming
Project Rationale and Linkage to Country/Regional Strategy

Sustainable socioeconomic development in Xinzhou accelerated.

Transformation of resource-based economy to low-carbon and green economy promoted

Lifelong skills development and upgrading in local industries enhanced

Outcome Supply of skilled workforce for green development of the priority industries (agriculture, equipment manufacturing, tourism) increased

Mechanisms for coordinating skills development in the priority industries strengthened

TVET institutions offering high quality training programs in support of green growth in the priority industries developed

Foundations for a lifelong skills development system for green growth established

Geographical Location Xinzhou
Safeguard Categories
Environment B
Involuntary Resettlement B
Indigenous Peoples C
Summary of Environmental and Social Aspects
Environmental Aspects Output 2 will involve civil works in new urban areas of Xinfu District whose impacts are expected to be insignificant. Potential environmental impacts include (i) dust, noise, and soil runoff during construction; (ii) temporary traffic disturbances because of transportation of construction materials; (iii) risks to community and workers' health and safety during construction; and (iv) wastewater and solid waste generated during construction and operation. Environmental Management Plan defines mitigation measures, monitoring requirements, and institutional arrangements to ensure proper environmental management throughout construction and operation.
Involuntary Resettlement The project will require permanent land occupation of 913.98 mu (574.57 mu of rural collectively-owned land and 339.41 mu of state-owned land). Xinzhou Municipal Government acquired 211.41 mu of the state-owned land (339.41 mu) without anticipating the project. The proposed acquisition of collectively-owned land will affect 270 households with 923 persons and 43 leaseholders. While seven of the leaseholders use the land for agricultural purposes, 36 leaseholders do not use the land for any productive purposes. No house demolition or impacts on businesses are expected. Resettlement plans have been prepared to address land acquisition impacts associated with the establishment of Agriculture Vocational Education School and Culture and Tourism Vocational Education School. Income losses for the affected households are estimated to be about 1% of the household incomes which is considered insignificant. Due diligence report on prior land acquisition for Senior Technician School confirmed that there are no past or present concerns, outstanding grievances, or complaints related to involuntary resettlement.
Indigenous Peoples There are no ethnic minority population in Xinzhou, and therefore, no impacts on indigenous peoples are expected.
Stakeholder Communication, Participation, and Consultation
During Project Design Relevant government agencies, secondary and tertiary technical and vocational education and training (TVET) institutions, enterprises, and industry associations were consulted in the course of designing the project.
During Project Implementation Project information will be communicated through ADB's and government's websites, stakeholder consultation workshops and meetings, training, seminars, and mass media in accordance with the requirements of ADB's information disclosure policy. With the support of the consulting firms engaged under the project, the partnership taskforces for the priority industries will hold consultation workshops and meetings with various industry stakeholders to discuss findings of green growth industry assessment reports and prepare green industrial development masterplans and skills frameworks (output 1). The development of competency-based curriculum, training materials, and assessment tools will involve key enterprises, industry associations, TVET and higher education institutions (output 2). Center of innovation and excellence will share and disseminate resources, good practices, and lessons developed under the project with TVET institutions in and outside Xinzhou through its online platform, workshops, training, and seminars (output 3). Project management office, supported by the consulting firm for project implementation support, will coordinate stakeholder communication activities under the project.
Business Opportunities
Consulting Services ADB will engage the consultants following the ADB Procurement Policy (2017, as amended from time to time) and its associated project administration instructions and/or staff instructions. ADB will recruit one international consulting firm for project design, due diligence, and advance procurement actions to provide 24.5 person-months of consulting services (international, 7.5 person-months; national, 17 person-months), using the quality- and cost-based selection method with a quality cost ratio of 90:10 and simplified technical proposal. ADB will also recruit five individual consultants (international, 1.5 person-months; national, 6.5 person-months) to prepare safeguards planning documents, and climate risk and vulnerability assessment report, and to review detailed engineering drawings. Lump-sum payments and/or output-based contracts will be considered.
Responsible ADB Officer Maruyama, Asako
Responsible ADB Department East Asia Department
Responsible ADB Division Urban and Social Sectors Division, EARD
Concept Clearance 19 Jul 2018
Fact Finding 03 Jul 2020 to 22 Jul 2020
MRM 31 Aug 2020
Approval -
Last Review Mission -
Last PDS Update 29 Sep 2020

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In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of, or reference to, a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Safeguard Documents See also: Safeguards
Safeguard documents provided at the time of project/facility approval may also be found in the list of linked documents provided with the Report and Recommendation of the President.

Evaluation Documents See also: Independent Evaluation

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Procurement Plan

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