Afghanistan: Kabul Managed Aquifer Recharge Project
Project Details
Project Officer
ADB Disclosure
Central and West Asia Department
Request for information -
Project Name | Kabul Managed Aquifer Recharge Project | ||||
Project Number | 49187-002 | ||||
Country / Economy | Afghanistan |
Project Status | Proposed | ||||
Project Type / Modality of Assistance | Grant |
Source of Funding / Amount |
Strategic Agendas | Environmentally sustainable growth Inclusive economic growth |
Drivers of Change | Gender Equity and Mainstreaming Knowledge solutions Partnerships |
Sector / Subsector | |||||
Gender Equity and Mainstreaming | Some gender elements | ||||
Description | |||||
Project Rationale and Linkage to Country/Regional Strategy | |||||
Impact | |||||
Outcome | |||||
Outputs | |||||
Geographical Location |
Safeguard Categories | |
Environment | B |
Involuntary Resettlement | B |
Indigenous Peoples | C |
Summary of Environmental and Social Aspects | |
Environmental Aspects | Environmental Safeguards. The project will need to include measures to ensure that downstream riparian users on the rivers, including transboundary beneficiaries, are not adversely affected. Water quality and water tables will need careful monitoring and managed. The project will be tentatively categorized as B. If during the PPTA it is determined that environmental safeguards should be category A, the project will be re categorized, and an environmental impact assessment prepared. |
Involuntary Resettlement | Involuntary resettlement is likely to be required. Based on the PPTA research, a land acquisition and resettlement plan will be required and prepared. The project will be tentatively categorized as B for the involuntary resettlement safeguard; |
Indigenous Peoples | Indigenous peoples: Indigenous peoples are not known to inhabit the project area. However, the situation will be reviewed under the PPTA and if necessary an indigenous peoples plan will be prepared. The project will be categorized as C for the indigenous peoples safeguard. |
Stakeholder Communication, Participation, and Consultation | |
During Project Design | Participation via consultation will be undertaken to the extent possible given the security situation during the PPTA. The poor and excluded are located in greater concentrations in the informal settlements of Southern Kabul, and up the hillsides in and around Kabul, the latter with a high dependence on purchased water. The project prepatory TA will consider community monitoring of water for Output 3. The project preparatory TA will undertake more detailed stakeholder analysis and prepare a participation plan. Consultation will be limited by the prevailing security environment as well as lack of water-sector local NGO/CSOs. |
During Project Implementation |
Business Opportunities | |
Consulting Services | The project preparatory TA will use a performance-based consulting contract with estimated value of $6.45 million, justified by the extensive outputs for which they are responsible (see Table A3.1), and the inclusion of $800,000 of costs for pilot scheme engineering works and test drilling. Key positions are detailed in Table A3.3, with an estimated 87 person-months of international consulting services and 59 person-months of national consultants for the key positions. It is anticipated that a total of 132 person-months of international consulting services and 204 person-months of national consultants will be required. The consultants will be engaged through an international firm, associated with a national firm, by ADB in accordance with the Guidelines on the Use of Consultants (2013, as amended from time to time), using. Consultant selection will be through quality- and cost-based selection at a ratio of 90:10. Subject to ADB approval, the consultant firm will be responsible for the procurement and management of (i) small-scale civil works associated with the pilot projects using shopping method; and (ii) test bore drilling services, as required, using shopping method._The consultant contract will be two phase, with the second phase, being output 4, subject to approval from MEW with no objection from ADB. |
Responsible ADB Officer | ADB Disclosure |
Responsible ADB Department | Central and West Asia Department |
Responsible ADB Division | Environment, Natural Resources & Agriculture Division, CWRD |
Timetable | |
Concept Clearance | 08 Sep 2015 |
Fact Finding | 23 Jun 2021 to 30 Jun 2021 |
MRM | 24 Aug 2021 |
Approval | - |
Last Review Mission | - |
Last PDS Update | 15 Sep 2015 |
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