Regional: A New Operational Economic Corridor Development Framework for Central and West Asia and Beyond

Sovereign Project | 54423-001

The TA aims to develop an economic corridor development (ECD) framework and operational guidelines that reflect wider economic benefits and pertinence to the diversity of regions in Asia, particularly the Central and West Asia region, to mainstream ADB's ECD operations. The TA will enhance the existing ECD concept and definition in light of recent and global research advances in areas of regional public goods, cross-border regional development, and spatial approaches to ECD, to further increase the relevance and effectiveness of ECD in ADB developing member countries (DMCs).

Project Details

  • Project Officer
    Hu, Xinglan
    Central and West Asia Department
    Request for information
  • Country/Economy
  • Sector
    • Industry and trade
Project Name A New Operational Economic Corridor Development Framework for Central and West Asia and Beyond
Project Number 54423-001
Country / Economy Regional
Kyrgyz Republic
Project Status Active
Project Type / Modality of Assistance Technical Assistance
Source of Funding / Amount
TA 6685-REG: A New Operational Economic Corridor Development Framework for Central Asia and Beyond
Technical Assistance Special Fund US$ 225,000.00
Strategic Agendas Inclusive economic growth
Regional integration
Drivers of Change Gender Equity and Mainstreaming
Knowledge solutions
Private sector development
Sector / Subsector

Industry and trade / Industry and trade sector development - Trade and services

Public sector management / Economic affairs management

Gender Equity and Mainstreaming Some gender elements
Description The TA aims to develop an economic corridor development (ECD) framework and operational guidelines that reflect wider economic benefits and pertinence to the diversity of regions in Asia, particularly the Central and West Asia region, to mainstream ADB's ECD operations. The TA will enhance the existing ECD concept and definition in light of recent and global research advances in areas of regional public goods, cross-border regional development, and spatial approaches to ECD, to further increase the relevance and effectiveness of ECD in ADB developing member countries (DMCs).
Project Rationale and Linkage to Country/Regional Strategy

Favorable economic development and regional dynamics exhibited in the Central and West region has provided an improved environment and further momentum for cross-border ECD. The Almaty-Bishkek Economic Corridor has been supporting the development of investment projects and reforms in connectivity, agribusiness, tourism, and health._The Shymkent-Tashkent-Khujand Economic Corridor, connecting Shymkent (in Kazakhstan), Tashkent (in Uzbekistan), and Khujand (in Tajikistan) through surrounding oblasts, is being initiated, with strong governmental support. An ECD in the West Caucasus region involving Armenia and Georgia is also being assessed, while Pakistan is starting ECD to reap expanded regional cooperation and integration (RCI) benefits.

A relevant ECD framework needs to consider different environments to make it an effective tool for regional development. The ECD framework should consider regions where economic densities are sparse, distance to major markets is large, and divisive physical and regulatory trade barriers persist, such as the Central and West Asia region. It should also promote gender equality to increase women's participation in ECD activities. Moreover, effective communication among stakeholders involved in the design and implementation of ECDs is needed to increase the relevance of the ECD framework and help avoid blind spots and unrealistic expectations.

The corresponding ECD operational guidelines will also be developed to help mainstream ECD in ADB-supported investments and reforms, as well as to help implement a 'One ADB' approach in providing integrated solutions for addressing more complex development challenges, such as cross-border cooperation and multisector collaboration among ADB DMCs.


Regional cooperation and integration (RCI) in the Central and West Asia region and beyond strengthened

Project Outcome
Description of Outcome

Planning and decision-making process on new ECDs improved

Progress Toward Outcome
Implementation Progress
Description of Project Outputs

ECD Framework capturing wider economic benefits and diverse regions developed.

ECD operational guidelines facilitating RCI investments formulated and the ECD Framework and operational guidelines effectively communicated.

Status of Implementation Progress (Outputs, Activities, and Issues) An international consultant has been engaged in May 2021, supported by a national (HQ-based) consultant. Activities include brainstorming sessions with internal and external specialists, including on ECD related lessons and experiences from the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) and the South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC). Draft reports on ECD framework and ECD operational guidelines are under internal review by TASU and team.
Geographical Location Afghanistan - Nation-wide; Armenia - Nation-wide; Azerbaijan - Nation-wide; Georgia - Nation-wide; Kazakhstan - Nation-wide; Kyrgyz Republic - Nation-wide; Pakistan - Nation-wide; Tajikistan - Nation-wide; Turkmenistan - Nation-wide; Uzbekistan - Nation-wide
Summary of Environmental and Social Aspects
Environmental Aspects
Involuntary Resettlement
Indigenous Peoples
Stakeholder Communication, Participation, and Consultation
During Project Design
During Project Implementation
Responsible ADB Officer Hu, Xinglan
Responsible ADB Department Central and West Asia Department
Responsible ADB Division Regional Cooperation and Operations Coordination Div, CWRD
Executing Agencies
Asian Development Bank
Concept Clearance -
Fact Finding -
Approval 16 Dec 2020
Last Review Mission -
Last PDS Update 14 Dec 2021

TA 6685-REG

Approval Signing Date Effectivity Date Closing
Original Revised Actual
16 Dec 2020 - 16 Dec 2020 30 Jun 2022 30 Jun 2023 -
Financing Plan/TA Utilization Cumulative Disbursements
ADB Cofinancing Counterpart Total Date Amount
Gov Beneficiaries Project Sponsor Others
225,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 225,000.00 10 Nov 2022 107,959.51

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