Sovereign Project | 55343-001
The project will provide financing to United Nations agencies (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Children's Fund, and the World Food Programme to help sustain delivery of essential services to the people of Afghanistan and secure the basis for the future development of the country through enhancing food security, maintaining provision of core public health services, sustaining access to primary and secondary education (especially for girls), and ensuring project implementation and monitoring capacity. Delivery of the project will be through the non-governmental organizations. As ADB placed on hold its sovereign and non-sovereign assistance to Afghanistan effective 15 August 2021, the implementation of this project will be outside of the public financial management system.
Project Officer
ADB Disclosure
Central and West Asia Department
Request for information
- Agriculture, natural resources and rural development
Project Name |
Sustaining Essential Services Delivery Project (Support for Afghan People) |
Project Number |
55343-001 |
Country / Economy |
Project Status |
Active |
Project Type / Modality of Assistance |
Source of Funding / Amount |
Grant 0819-AFG: Sustaining Essential Services Delivery Project (Support for Afghan People) |
Asian Development Fund |
US$ 65.00
Grant 0820-AFG: Sustaining Essential Services Delivery Project (Support for Afghan People) |
Asian Development Fund |
US$ 5.00
Grant 0821-AFG: Sustaining Essential Services Delivery Project (Support for Afghan People) |
Asian Development Fund |
US$ 200.00
Grant 0822-AFG: Sustaining Essential Services Delivery Project (Support for Afghan People) |
Asian Development Fund |
US$ 135.00
Strategic Agendas |
Inclusive economic growth
Drivers of Change |
Gender Equity and Mainstreaming Partnerships
Sector / Subsector |
Agriculture, natural resources and rural development /
Agricultural production
Education /
Education sector development
Health /
Health system development
Gender Equity and Mainstreaming |
Effective gender mainstreaming |
Description |
The project will provide financing to United Nations agencies (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Children's Fund, and the World Food Programme to help sustain delivery of essential services to the people of Afghanistan and secure the basis for the future development of the country through enhancing food security, maintaining provision of core public health services, sustaining access to primary and secondary education (especially for girls), and ensuring project implementation and monitoring capacity. Delivery of the project will be through the non-governmental organizations. As ADB placed on hold its sovereign and non-sovereign assistance to Afghanistan effective 15 August 2021, the implementation of this project will be outside of the public financial management system. |
Project Rationale and Linkage to Country/Regional Strategy |
Afghanistan is classified by ADB as Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations country and has been affected by conflict for extended period. In response to the Taliban regime takeover on 15 August 2021, the development partner financing, which accounted for 75% of public expenditures in recent years, has been suspended. The country's foreign reserves held abroad have also been frozen. After the takeover, trade and investment into Afghanistan have ceased. The financial sector has been pushed to a liquidity crisis due to the freeze on foreign transactions and stoppage of money printing abroad. This is superimposed on the adverse effects of drought, which led to poor harvests and high food prices, and economic disruptions because of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. This has also led to massive displacement of people domestically, with 570,000 internally displaced persons in September 2021. The economy is projected to have contracted by 30% in 2021, driving the country to near universal poverty in 2022. |
Impact |
The people of Afghanistan supported by saving lives, providing essential services, and sustaining community systems addressing basic human needs. |
Project Outcome |
Description of Outcome |
Delivery of essential public services and food security sustained to ease adverse impacts of economic disruptions on the welfare and livelihoods of vulnerable Afghan people |
Progress Toward Outcome |
Implementation Progress |
Description of Project Outputs |
Food security enhanced Delivery of core health services continued Access to primary and secondary education sustained Monitoring and implementation capacity strengthened |
Status of Implementation Progress (Outputs, Activities, and Issues) |
Lobbying at different levels is ongoing to lift the ban on female girls' access to secondary education or make it more flexible. Lobbying at different levels is ongoing to lift the ban on female girls' access to secondary education or make it more flexible. Lobbying at different levels is ongoing to lift the ban on female girls' access to secondary education or make it more flexible. |
Geographical Location |
Nation-wide |
Safeguard Categories |
Environment |
C |
Involuntary Resettlement |
C |
Indigenous Peoples |
C |
Summary of Environmental and Social Aspects |
Environmental Aspects |
Involuntary Resettlement |
Indigenous Peoples |
Stakeholder Communication, Participation, and Consultation |
During Project Design |
During Project Implementation |
Responsible ADB Officer |
ADB Disclosure |
Responsible ADB Department |
Central and West Asia Department |
Responsible ADB Division |
Afghanistan Resident Mission |
Timetable |
Concept Clearance |
Fact Finding |
29 Oct 2021
to 29 Oct 2021 |
14 Dec 2021 |
Approval |
25 Jan 2022 |
Last Review Mission |
Last PDS Update |
21 Jul 2022 |
Grant 0819-AFG
Milestones |
Approval |
Signing Date |
Effectivity Date |
Closing |
Original |
Revised |
Actual |
25 Jan 2022 |
08 Feb 2022 |
08 Feb 2022 |
31 Dec 2024 |
Financing Plan |
Grant Utilization
Total (Amount in US$ million) |
Date |
Others |
Net Percentage |
Project Cost |
65.00 |
Cumulative Contract Awards |
65.00 |
25 Jan 2023 |
46.58 |
72% |
Counterpart |
0.00 |
Cumulative Disbursements |
Cofinancing |
0.00 |
25 Jan 2023 |
65.00 |
100% |
Status of Covenants |
Category |
Sector |
Safeguards |
Social |
Financial |
Economic |
Others |
Rating |
Satisfactory |
Satisfactory |
Grant 0820-AFG
Milestones |
Approval |
Signing Date |
Effectivity Date |
Closing |
Original |
Revised |
Actual |
25 Jan 2022 |
04 Feb 2022 |
04 Feb 2022 |
31 Dec 2024 |
Financing Plan |
Grant Utilization
Total (Amount in US$ million) |
Date |
Others |
Net Percentage |
Project Cost |
5.00 |
Cumulative Contract Awards |
5.00 |
25 Jan 2023 |
0.61 |
12% |
Counterpart |
0.00 |
Cumulative Disbursements |
Cofinancing |
0.00 |
25 Jan 2023 |
3.00 |
60% |
Status of Covenants |
Category |
Sector |
Safeguards |
Social |
Financial |
Economic |
Others |
Rating |
Satisfactory |
Satisfactory |
Grant 0821-AFG
Milestones |
Approval |
Signing Date |
Effectivity Date |
Closing |
Original |
Revised |
Actual |
25 Jan 2022 |
01 Feb 2022 |
04 Feb 2022 |
31 Dec 2024 |
Financing Plan |
Grant Utilization
Total (Amount in US$ million) |
Date |
Others |
Net Percentage |
Project Cost |
200.00 |
Cumulative Contract Awards |
200.00 |
25 Jan 2023 |
55.23 |
28% |
Counterpart |
0.00 |
Cumulative Disbursements |
Cofinancing |
0.00 |
25 Jan 2023 |
101.33 |
51% |
Status of Covenants |
Category |
Sector |
Safeguards |
Social |
Financial |
Economic |
Others |
Rating |
Satisfactory |
Satisfactory |
Grant 0822-AFG
Milestones |
Approval |
Signing Date |
Effectivity Date |
Closing |
Original |
Revised |
Actual |
25 Jan 2022 |
29 Mar 2022 |
29 Mar 2022 |
31 Dec 2024 |
Financing Plan |
Grant Utilization
Total (Amount in US$ million) |
Date |
Others |
Net Percentage |
Project Cost |
135.00 |
Cumulative Contract Awards |
135.00 |
25 Jan 2023 |
78.38 |
58% |
Counterpart |
0.00 |
Cumulative Disbursements |
Cofinancing |
0.00 |
25 Jan 2023 |
135.00 |
100% |
Status of Covenants |
Category |
Sector |
Safeguards |
Social |
Financial |
Economic |
Others |
Rating |
Satisfactory |
Satisfactory |
Project Data Sheets (PDS) contain summary information on the project or program. Because the PDS is a work in progress, some information may not be included in its initial version but will be added as it becomes available. Information about proposed projects is tentative and indicative.
The Access to Information Policy (AIP) recognizes that transparency and accountability are essential to development effectiveness. It establishes the disclosure requirements for documents and information ADB produces or requires to be produced.
The Accountability Mechanism provides a forum where people adversely affected by ADB-assisted projects can voice and seek solutions to their problems and report alleged noncompliance of ADB's operational policies and procedures.
In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of, or reference to, a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.