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Nauru and ADB

ADB’s operations in Nauru focuses on infrastructure—particularly its main port and urban development—and public sector management, including fiscal sustainability, state-owned enterprise governance, and social protection.

Latest Country Strategies and Business Plans

The country partnership strategy (CPS) is ADB's primary platform for designing operations to deliver development results at the country level. ADB works with each developing member country to map out a medium-term development strategy and a 3-year country operations business plan (COBP) to implement it.

Perspectives on Nauru

Contact: Pacific Liaison and Coordination Office (PLCO)

Level 20, 45 Clarence Street
Sydney, NSW Australia 2000

  Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Monday to Friday)

  Tel +61 2 8270 9444
  Fax +61 2 8270 9445

Nauru Pacific Country Office
Government Building
Yaren District, NRU68
Republic of Nauru

Regional Director
External Communications Specialist
Matthew HODGE (Mr)
Deputy Regional Director and Senior Country Specialist