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Nepal and ADB

ADB supports Nepal’s sustainable recovery from COVID-19 and inclusive growth by investing in infrastructure, improving access to basic services, and protecting the poor and vulnerable.

Latest Country Strategies and Business Plans

The country partnership strategy (CPS) is ADB's primary platform for designing operations to deliver development results at the country level. ADB works with each developing member country to map out a medium-term development strategy and a 3-year country operations business plan (COBP) to implement it.

Perspectives on Nepal   Translations in Nepali

Contact: Nepal Resident Mission (NRM)

Metro Park Building, Lazimpat, Ward No. 2, P.O. Box 5017, Kathmandu, Nepal

  Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Monday to Friday)

  Tel +977 1 4290100;
+977 1 4290101
  Fax +977 1 4005137

Arnaud CAUCHOIS (Mr)
Country Director
Arnaud HECKMANN (Mr)
Head, Portfolio Management Unit
Binita Shah KHADKA (Ms)
Senior Communications Officer
Bimal Babu KHATRI (Mr)
Safeguards Analyst
Senior Communications Assistant