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Urban Development

ADB supports cities in Asia and the Pacific to become more livable.

Making Cities More Livable

Making Cities More Livable

The Livable Cities Operational Plan sets out the direction and approach for ADB to help its developing member countries (DMCs) build livable cities that are green, competitive, inclusive, and resilient. It also details ADB’s strategic operational priorities to provide support to cities in DMCs to help them develop the right institutions, policies, and enabling environments to become more livable.

Perspectives on Urban Development


ADB’s Urban Sector Work is overseen by the Urban Sector Group Committee composed of the respective management staff from the urban development divisions of ADB’s regional departments, as well as private sector operations.

Manoj Sharma
Manoj Sharma

Chief of Urban Sector Group, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department

Jingmin Huang
Jingmin Huang

Director, Pacific Department and Committee Chair

Asif Cheema
Asif Cheema

Director, East Asia Department

Norio Saito
Norio Saito

Director, South Asia Department

Srinivas Sampath
Srinivas Sampath

Director, Southeast Asia Department

Heeyoung Hong
Heeyoung Hong

Principal Urban Development Specialist (Finance), Central and West Asia Department

Hisaka Kimura
Hisaka Kimura

Advisor, Private Sector Operations Department