Ms. Jagannathan works on ADB education sector policies and strategies and provides technical advice and support to ADB’s lending and non-lending education operations. She leads some of the knowledge initiatives and regional technical assistance programs in the education sector. Shanti has worked on policy research studies such as skills for greening economies and Asia’s knowledge-based economies and innovation. She has helped to establish the annual ADB International Skills Development Forum series. Shanti has also led the design of education sector projects for ADB funding in school education, skills development and post-quake school reconstruction in Nepal and Bhutan, and has supported education sector projects in Bangladesh and India. She has over a dozen publications arising from work in ADB. Prior to joining the ADB, Shanti worked with the European Union on development cooperation in South Asia, and with an economic research think tank in India.
This comparative study provides an overview of the textbook production chain and suggests ways in which policy makers can make improvements.
This book presents an overview of the main research findings and case studies concerning education and skills for inclusive growth, green jobs and the greening of economies.
This policy brief draws on presentations and discussions at the ADB International Skills Development Forum held in ADB headquarters in Manila in December 2012 forum.
This policy brief draws on presentations and discussions at the ADB International Skills Development Forum held in ADB headquarters in Manila in December 2012 forum.
The forum provided a platform to share the knowledge and experience of advanced countries in setting up successful skills development institutions. The experiences of Australia, Germany, the Republic of Korea, and Singapore were shared by leading practitioners and policy makers.
Jobs and skills are pressing challenges for developing countries. Paradoxically, there is also a growing concern of skills mismatch. How do skills training systems support skills acquisition and continued upgrading? How does the education system interface and interact with labor markets and industries to coordinate skills development with changing industry needs? What are good practices and lessons from different countries and regions that can better inform skills development policy making?
This book presents contemporary perspectives on the importance of a learning society in supporting Asia and the Pacific’s development journey.
This book brings together views, perspectives, and insights from policy makers, practitioners, and leading experts on skills development for inclusive and sustainable growth.