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Report on Acceptance of Contributions and New Framework Arrangements in Support of ADB Financing Partnerships January-June 2022
This report is prepared in accordance with the policy paper on Enhancing Operational Efficiency of the Asian Development Bank. Contributions comprise contributions committed to single-partner or multi-partner trust funds, financing partnership facilities, framework arrangements, and global funding initiatives. -
Rating Report: Fitch
This report from Fitch Ratings affirms Asian Development Bank's Long-Term Issuer Default Rating at AAA with stable outlook. -
Major Change in Trust Fund: Energy Transition Mechanism Partnership Trust Fund under the Clean Energy Financing Partnership Facility
The proposed changes will expand the Energy Transition Mechanism Partnership Trust Fund's (ETMPTF) scope, use of funds, and implementation arrangements to (i) allow ETMPTF resources to be used to support stand-alone projects without any financing by ADB or with cofinancing by a third-party financier; (ii) allow ETMPTF resources to be used to refinance existing debt; (iii) allow ETMPTF grant and non-grant1 resources to be used to provide debt, equity, guarantees, and other risk transfer products, with repayments from concessional loans provided by the ETMPTF using grant resources reverting t -
Establishment of the Energy Transition Mechanism Partnership Trust Fund under the Clean Energy Financing Partnership Facility
The proposed Energy Transition Mechanism Partnership Trust Fund to be established under the Clean Energy Financing Partnership Facility will be a multiple-partner trust fund to mobilize resources for the energy transition mechanism.
Rating Report: Standard and Poor's
This document provides an overview of Standard and Poor's credit rating of the Asian Development Bank, and reflects the bank's healthy financial profile, conservative financial policies, and strong shareholders' support. -
Report on Acceptance of Contributions and New Framework Arrangements in Support of ADB Financing Partnerships July–December 2021
This report is prepared in accordance with the policy paper on Enhancing Operational Efficiency of the Asian Development Bank. Contributions comprise contributions committed to single or multi-partner trust funds, financing partnership facilities, framework arrangements, and global funding initiatives. -
Rating Report: Moody's
This document provides an overview of Moody's Investor Service credit rating of the Asian Development Bank, and reflects the bank's healthy financial profile, conservative financial policies, and strong shareholders' support. -
Management’s Discussion and Analysis and Annual Financial Statements 2021
In 2021, ADB continued to focus on implementing Strategy 2030, its long-term corporate strategy, while focusing on COVID-19 response. ADB’s basis of financial reporting are (i) statutory reporting, which is in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (US GAAP) reporting requirements, and (ii) management reporting, which is used as the primary measure to make financial management decisions and to monitor key financial ratios. -
Offer of Further Contributions by Pakistan to the Technical Assistance Special Fund
This document to the ADB Board of Directors recommends the acceptance of further contributions of Pakistan in the amount of $280,000 to the Technical Assistance Special Fund (TASF) of ADB. -
Establishment of the Climate Innovation and Development Fund
This paper outlines issues relating to the acceptance and administration of contributions to be received by ADB from Bloomberg Philanthropies and Goldman Sachs (the “Sponsors”).
Establishment of the Climate Action Catalyst Fund
The Climate Action Catalyst Fund (CACF) is a multiple-partner, partner-governed trust fund that will catalyze the scaling up of investments that are required to meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals. The CACF will provide carbon finance to support mitigation actions in the region, while enabling the financing partners to benefit from long-term transactions for purchasing post-2020 mitigation outcomes. -
Fifth Contribution to the Special Fund for the Asian Development Bank Institute from the Republic of Korea Acting through the Republic of Korea e-Asia and Knowledge Partnership Fund
The Republic of Korea e-Asia and Knowledge Partnership Fund (EAKPF) aims to support developing member countries in promoting improved access to information and communication technology, and facilitating knowledge sharing and partnerships. In 2012, the scope of the EAKPF’s program and activities was expanded to include support to ADBI through contributions to the ADBI Special Fund. The Government of the Republic of Korea, acting through the EAKPF, will make the fifth contribution of $3.75 million to the ADBI Special Fund. -
General Conditions: Applicable to Loans Made by ADB Funded through Participations of ASEAN Infrastructure Fund Limited
These General Conditions set forth certain terms and conditions generally applicable to loans made by ADB which are funded through participations in the loans by ASEAN Infrastructure Fund.
Report on Acceptance of Contributions in Support of ADB Financing Partnerships (January-June 2021)
This report is prepared in accordance with the policy paper on Enhancing Operational Efficiency of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Contributions comprise contributions committed to single or multi-partner trust funds, financing partnership facilities, framework arrangements, and global funding initiatives. -
Establishment of the Community Resilience Financing Partnership Facility
The Community Resilience Financing Partnership Facility (CRFPF) is a partnership program to support climate resilience in the Asia and Pacific region by scaling up climate adaptation measures at the community level.
Administration of the Green Climate Fund’s Contributions for the ASEAN Catalytic Green Finance Facility Green Recovery Program
This paper seeks approval for the Asian Development Bank to administer contributions from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) to establish the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Catalytic Green Finance Facility Green Recovery Program.
Effectiveness of the Twelfth Replenishment of the Asian Development Fund and Seventh Regularized Replenishment of the Technical Assistance Special Fund
On 8 June 2021, instruments of contribution deposited with the Asian Development Bank for unqualified contributions to the twelfth replenishment of the Asian Development Fund (ADF 13) and seventh regularized replenishment of the Technical Assistance Special Fund (TASF 7) reached an amount equivalent to $1,570,589,402. -
Twelfth Replenishment of the Asian Development Fund and Seventh Regularized Replenishment of the Technical Assistance Special Fund: Additional Contribution by Thailand
The Board of Directors approved the Government of Thailand’s additional contribution to the twelfth replenishment of the Asian Development Fund and the seventh regularized replenishment of the Technical Assistance Special Fund. -
Report on Acceptance of Contributions in Support of Institutional Financing Partnerships (July-December 2020)
This report is prepared in accordance with the paper on Enhancing Operational Efficiency of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Institutional financing partnership contributions comprise contributions committed to single or multi-donor trust funds, financing partnership facilities, framework arrangements, and global funding initiatives. -
Regional Malaria and Other Communicable Disease Threats Trust Fund under the Health Financing Partnership Facility: Change in Implementation Arrangements
This document gives a summary on the proposed changes in the Regional Malaria and Other Communicable Disease Threats Trust Fund (RMTF) under the Health Financing Partnership Facility (HFPF).