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11 Dec 2019
Asian Development Outlook 2019 Supplement: Growth Outlook
Developing Asia's economic growth remains solid, but ADB’s projections have been trimmed down as the region’s two biggest economies are weighed down by both external and domestic factors. -
26 Nov 2019
Developing Asia Needs to Prioritize Disaster Resilience to Cope with Growing Risks
With the region facing ever-higher disaster risks, developing Asia urgently needs to build its resilience before catastrophe strikes through better planning, setting aside government budget, and encouraging insurance. -
30 Oct 2019
Fostering growth and inclusion in Asia’s cities
Realizing the full and long-term benefits of cities as engines of growth, jobs, and innovation requires an integrated agenda. -
27 Sep 2019
КЫРГЫЗСКАЯ РЕСПУБЛИКА: Диагностическое исследование страны
Несмотря на существенные географические барьеры, Кыргызская Республика может достичь опережающего экономического роста с помощью комплексных реформ. -
27 Sep 2019
КЫРГЫЗ РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫ: Өлкөнүн диагностикалык изилдөөсү
Кыргыз Республикасы олуттуу географиялык тоскоолдуктарга дуушар болгонуна карабастан, ар тараптуу реформалардын жардамы менен экономикалык өнүгүүнү тездетүү мүмкүнчүлүгү абдан чоң. -
27 Sep 2019
Kyrgyz Republic: Country Diagnostic Study
The Kyrgyz Republic faces significant geographic barriers, but faster economic growth can be achieved with comprehensive reforms. -
25 Sep 2019
Asian Development Outlook 2019 Update: Growth Outlook
Developing Asia's economic growth remains robust, but ADB’s projections have been revised down due to prolonged trade tensions, slowing growth in advanced economies, and a global slowdown in the electronics sector. -
15 Aug 2019
Economic Empowerment of the Poor and Women in the East-West Economic Corridor in Myanmar
The project seeks to increase gainful employment opportunities for women and the poor. -
15 Aug 2019
Enhancing Rural Livelihoods and Incomes in Myanmar
Enhancing Rural Livelihoods and Incomes Project (ERLIP) aims to improve productivity and enhance livelihoods through a community-driven development approach. -
7 Aug 2019
Climate Change and Disasters in Asia and the Pacific
Climate change and disasters threaten the long-term sustainability of development in Asia and the Pacific. The region has experienced a significant increase in the number, intensity, and impact of extreme weather events.
Displaying 41 - 50 of 184