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Heeyoung Hong

Heeyoung Hong

Principal Urban Development Specialist (Finance)
Central and West Asia Department

Ms. Heeyoung Hong is the Principal Urban Development Specialist (Finance) and concurrently OIC-Director for the Urban Development and Water Division of the Central and West Asia Department of ADB. She has worked in ADB operations for 20 years and in 25 ADB member countries. Since 2002, she has worked in various public sector operations departments of ADB. Her sector experience includes transport, energy, governance, trade and finance, and urban development and water. She also worked in cofinancing operations and budget and management services divisions of ADB prior to joining Urban Development and Water Division of Central and West Asia Department in 2017. Prior to ADB, she worked in investment banking. She holds master’s degrees in international affairs and in business administration from the George Washington University, USA.