fbpx Project Procurement: Goods, Works, and Related Services | Asian Development Bank

Operational Procurement

ADB procures goods, works, and services from external suppliers for its development projects and programs, and engages consultants to help prepare studies, appraisals, and reports.

Goods, Works, and Non-Consulting Services

Goods, Works, and Non-Consulting Services

ADB extends loans and provides technical assistance to its developing member countries (DMCs) for a broad range of development projects and programs. These ADB-financed projects involve the procurement of goods, works and services (other than consulting services) from external suppliers.

Procurement Principles

Article 14 of the ADB Charter states ADB's operating principles. Those relating to procurement are

Source of Procurement

Source of Procurement

Proceeds of a loan can be used only for procurement of goods and works supplied from, and produced in, member countries of ADB.

Economy and Efficiency

Economy and Efficiency

To achieve economy and efficiency, contracts are to be procured through international competition unless other forms of procurement are more suitable and have been agreed upon between ADB and the borrower.



Procurement procedures must give member countries adequate, fair, and equal opportunity to compete for contracts.



Transparency is essential in the procurement process to achieve economy and efficiency and to combat fraud and corruption.

Advance Action

ADB is prepared, in urgent cases and upon a borrower's request, to authorize procurement prior to loan approval; particularly when early contracting of goods or works would be crucial for a project's timely completion or when substantial financial benefits would accrue. In such cases, ADB will approve the draft prequalification or bidding documents before they are issued and ensure that requirements for public advertising and notification of bid invitation be followed.

ADB's approval of such advance procurement is with the explicit understanding that it does not commit ADB to approve the project and loan, and that future ADB financing depends on compliance with ADB's procedural requirements.

Prequalified Contractors

The prequalification of contractors are undertaken for most large, ADB-financed civil works contracts, turnkey contracts and contracts for the supply of expensive and technically complex equipment. ADB reviews and approves the prequalification process conducted by the Borrower's executing agency and publishes lists of prequalified contractors for contracts with estimated value of $10,000,000 and above.

Bidding Procedures

ADB-financed projects use various bidding procedures for the procurement of goods, works, and nonconsulting services. Each project tender specifies the bidding procedure that will be used.

Contracts Awarded

Contracts awarded for goods and civil works with contract value above US$1.0 million. An archive of the previous year's contract awards is also provided.

Procurement Plans View All Procurement Plans

The procurement plan provides information to the bidders on opportunities for expected and scheduled procurement related to a given project. Details of a procurement plan include a brief description of goods, and works or consultant services, to be procured; the method of procurement; contract cost estimates; project threshold values; expected advertisement dates; and ADB review procedure. After loan effectiveness, the procurement plan is updated as the need arises or at least annually for the duration of a project.

Title Cover Date
UzbekistanCentral Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Corridor 2 (Pap-Namangan-Andijan) Railway Electrification Project: Procurement Plan Jan 2023
China, People's Republic ofHunan Xiangxi Rural Environmental Improvement and Green Development Project: Procurement Plan Jan 2023
MongoliaCommunity Vegetable Farming for Livelihood Improvement: Procurement Plan Jan 2023
MongoliaWestern Regional Road Corridor Investment Program - Tranche 2: Procurement Plan Jan 2023
MongoliaSustaining Access to and Quality of Education During Economic Difficulties Project: Procurement Plan Jan 2023
BangladeshDhaka Water Supply Network Improvement Project: Procurement Plan Jan 2023
China, People's Republic ofHeilongjiang Green Transformation Demonstration Project and Program: Procurement Plan Jan 2023
Lao People's Democratic RepublicFourth Greater Mekong Subregion Corridor Towns Development Project: Procurement Plan Jan 2023
PhilippinesEpifanio de los Santos Avenue Greenways Project: Procurement Plan Jan 2023
CambodiaRural Roads Improvement Project III: Procurement Plan Jan 2023
UzbekistanClimate Adaptive Water Resources Management in the Aral Sea Basin Sector Project: Procurement Plan Jan 2023
China, People's Republic ofYunnan Lincang Border Economic Cooperation Zone Development Project: Procurement Plan Jan 2023
China, People's Republic ofLow-Carbon District Heating Project in Hohhot in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region: Procurement Plan Jan 2023
PakistanBalochistan Water Resources Development Sector Project: Procurement Plan Jan 2023
IndonesiaEmergency Assistance for Rehabilitation and Reconstruction: Procurement Plan Jan 2023
PakistanKhyber Pakhtunkhwa Cities Improvement Project: Procurement Plan Jan 2023
IndonesiaGeothermal Power Generation Project: Procurement Plan Jan 2023
CambodiaLivable Cities Investment Project: Procurement Plan Jan 2023
Kyrgyz RepublicLandslide Risk Management Sector Project: Procurement Plan Jan 2023
IndiaTamil Nadu Industrial Connectivity Project: Procurement Plan Jan 2023
