Evaluation Occasional Papers
The ADB Evaluation Occasional Paper Series is an informal forum to present the reviews and findings of work in progress in evaluation or research relating to development effectiveness undertaken by ADB staff, consultants, and resource persons. The papers of the series are circulated to encourage discussion, elicit feedback, and advance knowledge. They are a rapidly disseminated, informal publication whose titles could subsequently be revised for publication as articles in professional journals or chapters in books. The series is maintained by the Independent Evaluation Department.
Increasing Penetration of Variable Renewable Energy: Lessons for Asia and the Pacific
Variable renewable energy (VRE) technologies that harness solar, wind, and other intermittent energy resources are among the front runners for mitigating climate change. However, the timing and level of power generated from VRE installations depend on resource availability and are independent of the variations of power demand. VRE output is intermittent and comes with a low marginal cost. This unique combination of VRE characteristics will increasingly influence power system design, performance, and economics as VRE penetration increases. -
Lessons from Country Partnership Evaluation: A Retrospective
This paper identifies key lessons to help ADB improve the implementation and effectiveness of its country programs and to increase understanding of the role of country partnership strategy in ensuring development effectiveness. -
Development Effectiveness, Natural Disasters, and Climate Change
The global increase in intense floods, storms, droughts, and heat waves has implications in the development of Asia and the Pacific. The region needs a strategy that values all three forms of capital–physical, human, and natural. -
Mitigating the Impacts of Climate Change and Natural Disasters for Better Quality Growth
There is a great divide between the knowledge on climate change, climate-related disasters, and disaster science on the one side, and the actions and policies on these issues on the other. -
Global Increase in Climate-Related Disasters
This paper considers rising population exposure, greater population vulnerability, and increasing climate-related hazards behind the increased frequency of intense climate-related natural disasters. -
Inspiring ADB's Future
The Asia and Pacific region continues to grow economically, but also faces daunting challenges. Economic growth remains essential for poverty reduction in a region that is home to more than half of the world’s poor. Furthermore, there needs to be attention to growing inequalities, the reality of runaway climate change and weaknesses in governance—all three in turn threaten to block growth itself. Taken together, there needs to be greater emphasis on generating more productivity and impact, not just more investment and outputs. -
Climate Disasters and Development in Asia-Pacific
This paper focuses on disaster risks connected to the phenomenon of climate change. Rising exposure of populations, increasing vulnerabilities and the changing nature of the hazards are turning these hazards of nature into natural disasters. -
Quality in Design and Monitoring Frameworks (DMFs)
This paper assessed, compared, and noted trends in the design and monitoring frameworks of ADB project and program loans, regional technical assistance (TA) loans and grants, and advisory TA loans and grants from 2000 to December 2005. -
ADB's Response to Emergencies: Were We Prepared for the Tsunamis?
This paper examines the lessons learned from previous experience with ADB's emergency loans and discusses ADB's responses to the tsunami in light of the Disaster and Emergency Assistance Policy approved in May 2004. -
Development Effectiveness: What Does Recent Research Tell Us?
This paper provides a critical review of recent research on aid effectiveness and its implications for policies.